华东师范大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2013, Vol. 2013 ›› Issue (5): 96-101.

• 化学化工 • 上一篇    下一篇


朱金坤1,2, 舒 露1, 吴 敏1, 王清江1, 何品刚1, 方禹之1   

  1. 1. 华东师范大学 化学系, 上海 200241; 2. 安徽科技学院 理学院, 安徽~~凤阳 233100
  • 收稿日期:2012-06-01 修回日期:2012-09-01 出版日期:2013-09-25 发布日期:2013-09-30

Investigation on chemiluminescence detection of vitamin B12 with capillary electrophoresis

ZHU Jin-kun1,2, SHU Lu1, WU Min1, WANG Qing-jiang1, HE Pin-gang1, FANG Yu-zhi1   

  1. 1. Department of Chemistry, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China
    2.  College of Science, Anhui Science and Technology University,Fengyang Anhui 233100, China
  • Received:2012-06-01 Revised:2012-09-01 Online:2013-09-25 Published:2013-09-30

摘要: 基于维生素B12对鲁米诺-双氧水体系良好的化学发光(CL)催化活性,
用于这一重要营养物质的准确CL分析. 预处理阶段,
这一过程产生的CL干扰组分, 则通过毛细管电泳(CE)加以分离除去. 实验中,
采用实验室自行组建的CE-CL检测装置, 该测试过程可在20
min内完成;检测下限(LOD)2$\times $10$^{-7}$ mol/L($S$/$N$=3),
线性范围6$\times $10$^{-7}\!\sim $6$\times $10$^{-4}$
mol/L($r^{2}$=0.968), 相对标准偏差(RSD)2.4{\%}($n$=9).
对药品中VB12含量进行加标回收实验, 回收率97{\%}$\sim $106{\%}.

关键词: 维生素B12, 化学发光, 毛细管电泳, 连二亚硫酸钠

Abstract: Based on the chemiluminescence (CL) catalysis of vitamin
B12 (VB12 in luminol-H$_{2}$O$_{2}$ system, a novel
capillary electrophoresis-chemiluminescence (CE-CL) method was
developed for the accurate determination of this important nutrient
substance. First of all, sodium hydrosulfite
(Na$_{2}$S$_{2}$O$_{4})$ was found to be used as an competent
reduction reagent to pre-reduce VB12(Co(III)) into
VB12(Co(II)), which produced strong CL emission in the CL
reaction of luminol-H$_{2}$O$_{2}$. In this process, some
interfering CL noise was observed and capillary electrophoresis (CE)
was taken to remove it by efficient separation. In this way,
VB12 could be reduced gently and determined accurately by the
catalyzed CL signal with our lab-constructed CE-CL system. The
proposed CE-CL determination could be finished in 20 min with a
detection limit (LOD) of 2$\times $10$^{-7}$ mol/L ($S$/$N$=3), a
linear range from 6$\times $10$^{-7}$ to 6$\times$10$^{-4}$ mol/L
($r^{2}$=0.968) and a relative standard deviation (RSD) of 2.4{\%}
($n$=9). Utilizing this method, satisfactory results were obtained
by testing VB12 tablets with a recovery of 97{\%}$\sim
$106{\%}. Compared to previously reported CL analysis of VB12,
we dealt with the interference components in pre-reducing solution
for the first time to gain more reliable data with convenient

Key words: vitamin B12, chemiluminescence, capillary electrophoresis, sodium hydrosulfite
