应用物理 电子学


  • 张恒广 ,
  • 李欣 ,
  • 阮建中 ,
  • 陈德禄 ,
  • 赵振杰
  • 华东师范大学 物理系,上海 200062
张恒广,男,硕士研究生,目前从事磁性材料的研究. E-mail: gluttonzhang@163.com.

网络出版日期: 2015-02-07


国家自然科学基金(51302085);上海汽车基金会(SAISTDF/1206);华东师范大学创新项目(78210142, 78210183)

Influence of vacuum annealing on the GMI effect of Co81.5Fe4.5Mo2B12 microwires

  • ZHANG Heng-Guang ,
  • LI Xin ,
  • RUAN Jian-Zhong ,
  • CHEN De-Lu ,
  • ZHAO Zhen-Jie
  • Department of Physics, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

Online published: 2015-02-07


采用高频感应加热熔融快淬法制备了Co81.5Fe4.5Mo2B12玻璃包裹丝,研究了真空条件下退火对细丝巨磁阻抗效应及非对称性的影响.结果显示,随着退火温度的升高,玻璃包裹丝的巨磁阻抗效应先增大后减小.退火温度为250 ℃时,巨磁阻抗效应最明显;退火后样品的磁阻抗曲线对称性大都有所改善;退火温度为330 ℃时,磁阻抗曲线对称性遭到破坏,可能是磁各向异性降低所引起的.


张恒广 , 李欣 , 阮建中 , 陈德禄 , 赵振杰 . 真空退火对Co81.5Fe4.5Mo2B12玻璃包裹丝巨磁阻抗效应的影响[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2014 , 2014(6) : 67 -72 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.10005641.2014.06.010


Co81.5Fe4.5Mo2B12 microwires were prepared by the TaylorUlitovsky method. Influence of the vacuum annealing conditions on Giant Magnetoimpedance (GMI) effect and its symmetrical properties were studied. The results show that the GMI ratio increases firstly and then decreases with the increase of the annealing temperature. The highest GMI ratio was obtained when the temperature is 250 ℃. The symmetry of the GMI curves of the microwires may be improved after proper annealing. When the annealing temperature is 330 ℃, GMI symmetry of the microwire was deteriorated may be caused by the decrease of the magnetic anisotropy.
