1968年, Vizing提出猜想:边染色临界图的独立数不大于其阶数的一半.针对不含2度点的边染色临界图, 本文证明当最大度为9,10时,独立数α(G) ≤(3Δ-3)/(5Δ-3)|V|和当Δ∈{11, · · · , 46}时, 独立数α(G) ≤(15Δ-42)/(23Δ-42)|V|
In 1968, Vizing conjectured for any edge chromatic critical graph G = (V,E) with maximum degree Δ and independence number α(G), α(G)≤|V|/2. In this paper, we proved that α(G) ≤(3Δ-3)/(5Δ-3)|V| for Δ∈{9,10} and α(G) ≤(15Δ-42)/(23Δ-42)|V| for Δ∈{11, · · · , 46}
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