以稳定匹配理论研究经济转型时期几个问题,如资本流动性所产生资本泡沫的微观机理 和社会变革时期婚姻的脆弱性,它们都是由于稳定匹配存在的条件被破坏. 认为要保持社会的 稳定性,就要社会大众有比较正确价值观结构, 政策有可持续性,收入增长有某种``有序性'', 尽 可能减少少数产业和少数人一夜暴富的可能,缩小贫富差异, 形成中国经济发展的新常态.
We studied the microcosmic reason of the capital mobility and weakness of marriage by the stable matching theory. It is showed that, in general,overvaluation for economic situation can lead to the damage of stability of such problems, and thus we should keep the condition of sustainable development to form the new normal of economy.
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