针对掌纹特征提取困难、稳定性较差以及特征维数较大的问题,提出一种基于Curvelet稳定特征曲面的掌纹识别方法.将掌纹图像经Curvelet变换得到稳定特征曲面,把该曲面作为特征进行匹配,不仅避免了特征提取或图像编码等传统繁琐操作,而且特征维数较低,在保证识别精度的同时,图像稳定性增强,识别速度较快.最后,采用归一化相关分类器对掌纹所属类别进行判定,通过PolyU掌纹库的验证,本文算法的等误率为1.769 0%,匹配时间为16.6 ms,表明了本文算法的有效性.
Corresponding to the problem of difficult feature extraction , poor stability and large characteristic dimension of palmprint, a novel palmprint recognition algorithm based on Curveletinvariant features of the surface is proposed.We can obtain the stable feature surface though Curvelet transform,which is used to match.This way not only simplifies the operation, such asfeature extraction, image coding and other traditional operation,but also has lower dimension, which leads tohigh stability and fast recognition speed with a high recognition accuracy at the same time. Finally, we use the normalized correlation classifier to measure the similarity. By PolyU palmprint database verification, the equal error rate of our algorithmis only 1.7690% and matching time is 16.6 ms, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
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