采用无电镀Pd的方法,在硅纳米线上制备了一层Pd.首次制备出了能够在室温下工作的Pd/SiNWs肖特基氢气传感器.SEM(Scanning Electron Microscopy)(扫描电子显微镜)表征结果表明,硅纳米线表面Pd层是由Pd纳米颗粒组成.Pd/SiNWs肖特基二极管I-V测试结果表明,该传感器可以在室温下进行氢气(H2)浓度的检测,且可检测的浓度范围很大,同时给出了Pd/SiNWs/pSi 肖特基二极管在常温下进行检测H2的敏感机理.实验表明,这种新型传感器可以在室温下进行H2检测,且具有很大的发展潜力,可以应用于燃料电池等诸多领域.
Silicon nanowires (SiNWs) coated by palladium layer via electroless plating technique had been prepared. And the Pd/SiNWs Schottky barrier hydrogen sensors capable of operating at room temperature for the first time were conducted. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis showed that Pd thin films composed of nanoparticles were coated on the silicon nanowire surface. The 〖WTBX〗IV〖WTBZ〗 curves of Pd/SiNWs Schottky barrier hydrogen sensor were measured. The results indicated that under room temperature the sensor can sense hydrogen in a wide range of concentration. The sensing mechanism of the Pd/SiNWs barrier hydrogen sensor was also provided. The sensor developed had great potentials for the detection of hydrogen at room temperature and can be used in the cases like fuel cells application.
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