

  • 刘臻 ,
  • 周靖 ,
  • 赵子莹
  • 1.北京师范大学 教育信息技术协同创新中心,北京100875;2.北京师范大学 信息网络中心,北京100875;3.北京四中网校,北京100034; 4.中国教育科学研究院,北京100088

收稿日期: 2014-10-30

  网络出版日期: 2015-12-23



Study on spatiotemporal distribution of students’activities on e-campus

  • LIU Zhen ,
  • ZHOU Jing ,
  • ZHAO Zi-Ying

Received date: 2014-10-30

  Online published: 2015-12-23


当前不断发展和普及的高校信息化深刻地影响了大学生的学习模式及校园行为特征,如何科学合理配置校园资源和变革教学模式成为高等教育关注的热点.本文以北京某高校在校大学生志愿者为样本,采用了GPS定位技术、基于局域网的定位技术以及信息系统日志辅助定位技术研究了不同年级、性别的学生在校园内从事教学活动、宿舍活动、体育运动以及校外活动等行为模式的时空分布特征,探讨了产生不同行为模式时空变化的原因以及校园资源与设施使用情况.研究结果表明在信息化环境下学生校园行为和学习场所越来越多元化, 校园资源的空间布局趋于“去中心化”.


刘臻 , 周靖 , 赵子莹 . 信息化环境下的大学生校园行为时空特征研究[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2015 , 2015(6) : 126 -133 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.06.016


While the continuous development of information technology and its wide application to higher education have deeply impacted the patterns of student learning and campus activities, resource allocation and teaching mode innovation have become the focus of higher education. Based on a sample of student volunteers from a research university in China, this study employed GPS and Wifipositioning technologies, supplemented with log information from the campus information system, to study the spatiotemporal distribution of campus activities such as those in the classrooms, dorms and the stadium, by gender and across grades. The study also discussed possible causes for the different activity patterns as well as the usage of campus facilities. The results of this study revealed that the spatial distribution of campus resources appeared decentralized. In detail, student campus activities and learning sites became diversified. Students tended to choose the proximate facilities and sites for study and other oncampus activities, resulting in the decline in the use of traditional learning sites (e.g. libraries and classrooms). These results provided recommendations for campus resource allocation, university BI and the data collection for smartcampus.




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