

  • 王冠 ,
  • 唐菀融 ,
  • 葛淑丽 ,
  • 韩若冰 ,
  • 王清江 ,
  • 何品刚 ,
  • 方禹之
  • 华东师范大学 化学系,上海200062
王冠,女,硕士研究生,研究方向为毛细管电泳. E-mail: wang_guan_108@163.com.

收稿日期: 2014-12-26

  网络出版日期: 2016-03-10



Online sample focusing technique in capillary electrophoresisamperometric detection for biogenic amines

  • WANG Guan ,
  • TANG Wan-Rong ,
  • GE Shu-Li ,
  • HAN Ruo-Bing ,
  • WANG Qing-Jiang ,
  • HE Pin-Gang ,
  • FANG Yu-Zhi

Received date: 2014-12-26

  Online published: 2016-03-10


将场放大进样移动取代边界与毛细管电泳安培检测联用技术在酸性条件下进一步发展,成功实现了生物胺的在线富集与检测.该技术利用18冠6四羧酸与带伯胺基团的生物胺分子结合的络合物与缓冲溶液中Na+发生的取代反应,在释放生物胺分子的同时实现瞬时富集.通过对样品溶液、伪稳定相、进样时间等影响富集与分离的重要参数进行研究,在最优实验条件下,5种被测生物胺分子的检测限可达到2.2~9.8 nmol/L(S/N=3),灵敏度较传统方法相比提高了160~300倍.且无需复杂的预处理步骤.实验结果证明,该法快速高效,能有效避免电极被污染,亦可进一步用于实际样品的分析检测.


王冠 , 唐菀融 , 葛淑丽 , 韩若冰 , 王清江 , 何品刚 , 方禹之 . 毛细管电泳安培检测在线富集分析生物胺研究[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2016 , 2016(1) : 123 -133 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2016.01.016


An online focusing method, based on fieldenhanced sample injection coupled with transient moving substitution boundary, was developed for the separation and capillary electrophoresis(CE)amperometric detection (AD) of biogenic amines under acidic conditions for the first time. The proposed method was based on the substitution reaction between 18crown6bonded biogenic amine complexes and Na+ cations at the substitution boundary. By using this method, electrode fouling was prevented in electrochemical detection. The factors affecting extraction efficiency, separation, and detection were investigated. Under the optimum conditions, the limits of detection of five analytes in a sample, which was prepared in a lowconductivity matrix, ranging from 2.2 to 9.8 nmol/L (signaltonoise ratio, S/N=3), and about 160 to 300fold enhancement in concentration was achieved compared to the conventional CEAD method. This method has great potential for the detection of biogenic amines.
