
Plate 方程时间依赖全局吸引子的存在性

  • 刘亭亭 ,
  • 马巧珍
  • 西北师范大学~~数学与统计学院, 兰州 730070

收稿日期: 2015-04-08

  网络出版日期: 2016-07-25


甘肃省自然科学 基金~(1107RJZA223);

Existence of time-dependent global attractors for plate equations

  • LIU Ting-Ting ,
  • MA Qiao-Zhen

Received date: 2015-04-08

  Online published: 2016-07-25


时间依赖全局吸引子的概念是~Di Plinio,Temam~等人于近期提出的. 在非线性项~f~满足临界增长条件时,应用算子分解技巧,验证了系数参数与时间~t~有关时~plate~方程对应的过程族~\{U(t,\tau)\}~的渐近紧性,进而获得了~plate~方程 时间依赖全局吸引子的存在性及正则性


刘亭亭 , 马巧珍 . Plate 方程时间依赖全局吸引子的存在性[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2016 , 2016(2) : 35 -44 . DOI: 2016.02.005


The concept of time-dependent global attractors was recently presented by Di Plinio, Temam et al.~By using the skill of the operator decomposition, the asymptotic compactness of a family process \{U(t,\tau)\} corresponding to the plate equations with the coefficient dependent on time was proved,~and then the existence of time-dependent global attractors as well as the regularity were obtained under the condition that f satisfies the critical exponent growth


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