

  • 李帆 ,
  • 杨继锋
  • 华东师范大学~~理论物理研究所, 上海200241
李帆, 男, 硕士研究生,研究方向为粒子物理和场论.

收稿日期: 2015-05-07

  网络出版日期: 2016-09-22



One-loop analysis of nucleon-nucleon scattering in the chiral effective field theory

  • LI Fan ,
  • YANG Ji-Feng

Received date: 2015-05-07

  Online published: 2016-09-22


采用相对论性框架下的手征有效场论,对核子-核子散射的,$pi$,交换一圈图过程重要圈图进行了计算和分析,即三角图,(triangle diagrams),和平面箱图,(planar box diagram,简写为,pb),并以此为基础进一步分析讨论了核子-核子散射手征有效场论的结构特点,为最终建立一个满意的核力有效场论框架做新的探索


李帆 , 杨继锋 . 核子核子散射一圈图的手征有效场论分析[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2016 , 2016(3) : 67 -75 . DOI: 2016.03.008


In this paper we will analyze the important one-loop pion-exchange diagrams for nucleon-nucleon (N-N) scattering in the relativistic framework of chiral effective theory, namely the triangle diagrams and the planar box diagram. On this basis, we wish to further explore the structures of the chiral effective theory in order to contribute to the establishment of a satisfactory effective field theory for nuclear forces


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