
论常模 Belyi 纤维化的分类 (英)

  • SOORI Atif Hasan ,
  • DAOUSSA Daniel
  • 1. 华东师范大学 数学系,上海 200241; 2. 爱尔大学 数学系,伊斯兰堡 44000, 巴基斯坦

收稿日期: 2015-05-27

  网络出版日期: 2016-09-29

On classification of isotrivial elliptic Belyi fibrations

  • SOORI Atif Hasan ,
  • DAOUSSA Daniel
  • 1. Department of Mathematics, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China; 2. Department of Mathematics, Air University, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan

Received date: 2015-05-27

  Online published: 2016-09-29


本文对$\mathbb{P}^1$上带有三条奇异纤维的常模椭圆纤维化(简称Belyi纤维化)进行了分类, 给出了精确的12类带有截面的Belyi纤维化.作为这一分类的推论,还发现,除了一种情形外,其余情形对应的$\overline{\mathcal{M}}_1$中的轨迹都是零维的.


SOORI Atif Hasan , DAOUSSA Daniel . 论常模 Belyi 纤维化的分类 (英)[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2016 , 2016(4) : 25 -29 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2016.04.003


In this paper we classify relatively minimal, isotrivial families of curves $f: S \to \mathbb{P}^1$ of genus 1 with three singular fibers (Belyi fibrations). Assuming that these families have a section, we find that they are exactly 12 in number up to isomorphism. Moreover, as a result of this classification, we find that except one, the dimension of all other families in $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_1$ is zero.


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