

  • 肖 冰 ,
  • 郭进伟 ,
  • 钱卫宁
  • 华东师范大学 数据科学与工程研究院, 上海 200062

收稿日期: 2016-06-24

  网络出版日期: 2016-11-29


国家 863 计划项目(2015AA015307); 国家自然科学基金(61432006)

Network request service mechanisms in a scalable database management system

  • XIAO Bing ,
  • GUO Jin-wei ,
  • QIAN Wei-ning
  • Institute for Data Science and Engineering, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

Received date: 2016-06-24

  Online published: 2016-11-29


请求服务机制涉及请求的传输和处理, 是分布式数据管理系统中各组件交互并完成任务的重要前提. 本文以可扩展数据管理系统为背景, 抽象系统中的网络服务模型, 介绍系统中的网络请求服务机制. 从数据库的主要实现出发, 分析不同类型的请求在传输以及处理上的不同要求. 以OceanBase为例, 统计各机制在一个可扩展数据管理系统中的服务比重, 并进行相关的分析.


肖 冰 , 郭进伟 , 钱卫宁 . 可扩展数据管理系统中的网络请求服务机制[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2016 , 2016(5) : 165 -172 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2016.05.018


Network request service mechanism involves the transmitting and processing of the requests. It plays an important role for interactive components to cooperate in a distributed database management system. Taking scalable database management systems as background, this paper introduces the inside network service model and the network request service mechanisms. On the basis of the primary implementation in database systems, we analyze different demands from different requests in terms of transmitting and processing. The service distribution of each mechanism and associative analysis are presented based on OceanBase.


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