A new algorithm for constructing soliton solution and its implementation
Received date: 2015-11-03
Online published: 2017-01-13
结合 Painleve 分析, 进一步改进了简单 Hirota 方法. 改进后的算法能够适用于更多方程和方程组. 基于该方法, 在符号计算软件 Maple 平台下研发了软件 ZASP, 将新方法求解非线性演化方程的过程自动化. 通过若干应用实例, 介绍了 ZASP 的使用, 也验证了 ZASP 作为研究非线性演化方程工具的有效性.
关键词: 简单 Hirota 方法; 非线性演化方程; 孤子解
赵文强 , 柳银萍 . 构造孤子解的新算法及其实现[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2016 , 2016(6) : 127 -138 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2016.06.014
Combined with the Painlev´e test, the simple Hirota method was improved. The improved algorithm can be applied to more equations. Based on this method, a
software named ZASP was developed with the aid of the symbolic computation software Maple. ZASP can solve nonlinear evolution equation automatically. By applying it to several examples, it can be seen that the program ZASP is an effective and efficient tool for calculating soliton solutions of nonlinear evolution equations.
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