地理学 河口海岸学


  • 刘朝 ,
  • 师育新 ,
  • 戴雪荣 ,
  • 席雅娟
  • 华东师范大学 地理科学学院,上海 200241

收稿日期: 2015-12-11

  网络出版日期: 2017-01-13



Grain size characteristics of the surface sediments from the Qian Tang River Estuary and their implication for sedimentary hydrodynamics

  • LIU Zhao ,
  • SHI Yu-xin ,
  • DAI Xue-rong ,
  • XI Ya-juan
  • School of Geographic Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241,China

Received date: 2015-12-11

  Online published: 2017-01-13


钱塘江河口区为典型的喇叭形强潮型河口,受径流、潮流和长江沿岸流及其挟带泥沙的影响,沉积动力环境较复杂.本文通过对钱塘江枯水大潮潮区界(芦茨)以下(近口段、河口段和口外海滨段)表层沉积物的系统采样,分析了其沉积物类型和粒度组成在河口区不同河段和南、北岸的空间分布特征,并探讨了沉积动力环境.结果显示:钱塘江河口区表层沉积物以粉砂、粘土质粉砂为主;从上游至下游,三段沉积物粒度呈细-粗-细的空间变化特征,偏度相应表现为近对称-正偏、极正偏-正偏的特点,频率曲线峰型则具有多峰-高窄峰-矮窄峰的分布规律.其中,河口段受径流和潮流共同作用,在强潮环境下,表层沉积物粒度最粗,分选性最好.河口段和口外海滨段的南、北岸表层沉积物粒度也存在明显差异,反映北岸水动力相对南岸更强. Pejrup三角图分析表明,研究区水动力条件总体较强,其中河口段的水动力最强,不同河段沉积物粒度特征对水动力强度有很好的响应.


刘朝 , 师育新 , 戴雪荣 , 席雅娟 . 钱塘江河口区不同河段表层沉积物粒度特征及其对水动力的响应[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2016 , 2016(6) : 182 -191 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2016.06.020


The Qiantang River estuary is a typical funnel shaped, strong tidal estuary.  It extends 274 kmlong from the tidal limit (at Luci) down to the mouth of Hangzhou Bay and possesses a complicated sedimentary hydraulic environment. This paper focuses on the grain size analysis of the surface sediments (68 samples in total)taken from the near bank underwater bottom. The grain size characteristics,types of sediments and their spatial distribution and the possible causes are discussed. Studies  have shown that the sediments are mainly composed of silt and clayey silt. According to grain size composition,the estuary can be divided into three parts: the upper, middle and the lower. The sediments from both the upper and the lower parts are finer, poorer sorted than those from the middle part.The skewness parameter (SK) is featured with sub symmetric positive bias in the upper part, while  very positively skewed positive bias in the lower part. From upstream to downstream the frequency curve shows different peak types of multipeak, high and narrow peak and low narrow peak. These differences in sediment composition and textures must have matched the different sedimentary hydrodynamic environment: the runoff in the upper part, alternative of runoff and  tide in the middle, and mainly the tidal environment in the lower. As indicated by Pejrup triangulation, the hydrodynamic environment of this estuary is relatively strong, especially in the middle part, and the grain size characteristics show close relation  to the hydrodynamic  environment.


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