收稿日期: 2016-01-18
网络出版日期: 2017-01-13
贵州省高校优秀科技创新人支持计划(黔教合KY字 [2014]252);
贵州省教育局厅优秀科研创新团队项目(黔教合人才团队字[2013] 26);
Structural differences of wintering forest bird from four habitats in Shilihetang, Guizhou Province
Received date: 2016-01-18
Online published: 2017-01-13
为了探究贵州省安龙十里荷塘林鸟的分布情况, 2013---2015年的1月采用样线法对研究区域的村寨、树林、农田和蔬菜地4种生境中的林鸟进行调查. 共记录到鸟类56种 1193只, 隶属7目22科. 不同生境样线之间鸟类数量平均值排序从大到小依次为: 村寨、树林、农田和蔬菜地. Michaelis-Menten fit模型显示, 鸟类物种累计从高到低依次为: 树林、村寨、农田和蔬菜地. 4种生境中均为食虫鸟类种类最多. 树林的多样性指数、优势度和均匀度指数均最高, 农田的均最低. 鸟类群落的Sφrensen相似性系数在村寨---树林生境间最高; Morisita-Horn 相似性系数在村寨---农田和蔬菜地---农田生境之间并列最高. 食物资源和植被结构是影响该区域冬季林鸟分布的重要因素. 建议增加树林生境中乔木的种类, 禁止捕杀鸟类活动, 并提倡在当地建立鸟类保护站.
罗祖奎 , 李 扬 , 曹福平 . 贵州安龙十里荷塘4种生境冬季林鸟差异性[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2017 , 2017(1) : 125 -131 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2017.01.014
In order to explore the distribution of forest birds in Shilihetang of Anlong in Guizhou Province, bird surveys were carried out from four habitats of village, forest, farmland and vegetable land in January between 2013 and 2015 using the method of line transect. A total of 56 avian species and 1 193 individuals was recorded, which belonged to 22 families and 7 orders. The mean avian abundance in the line transects decreased from village to forest, farmland and vegetable land. The accumulative avian species decreased from forest to village, farmland and vegetable land. Insectivores were the richest in each of the four habitats. Shannon-wiener index, predominant index and species evenness were all the highest in the forest, and lowest in farmland. Sørensen similarity was highest in the village-forest, and Morisita-Horn similarity was highest both in village-farmland and vegetable land-farmland. Food resource and vegetable structure are important factors influencing the distribution of wintering forest birds in the study area. We suggest that arbor species should be increased in the forest, bird killing activity should be forbidden, and a conservation station should be set up for bird protection.
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