收稿日期: 2016-01-13
网络出版日期: 2017-03-23
Research on the kaon parton distribution functions
Received date: 2016-01-13
Online published: 2017-03-23
核子和介子中的部分子分布函数是描述其性质的基本物理量,但不同研究小组给出的分布函数并不一致.从最简单的价夸克模型出发,提出了在某一低动量标度(Q2)下K介子完全由价夸克组成,胶子和海夸克都是通过量子色动力学(Quantum Chromodynamics,QCD)辐射产生.根据一个考虑了部分子间重组效应的演化方程——Modified Dokshitzer-Gribov-Lipatov-Altarelli-Parisi(MD-DGLAP)方程和相应的实验数据,给出了K介子的初始价夸克分布函数,对高动量标度下的部分子分布进行了预言,并与其他模型进行了比较分析.
高莹莹 , 楼立洋 , 阮建红 . K介子部分子分布函数的研究[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2017 , 2017(2) : 81 -88 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2017.02.011
The parton distribution functions of nucleons and mesons are basic physical quantities, while different research groups have got different results. With a very simple model that kaon is made up of only valence quarks at a low Q2 scale, the gluons and sea quarks are generated completely through the quantum chromodynamics (QCD) radiations. The modified dokshitzer-gribov-lipatov-altarelli-parisi (MD-DGLAP) equations is used as the QCD dynamical evolution equations. It is shown that the results can fit the experiments well. Compared the parton distributions and momentum distributions with the other models, the differences are obvious. We hope that future experiments can check them.
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