Ten years NPP products of Mentougou District from 2003 to 2014 are generated using CASA model and Landsat remote sensing data. It is used to show the spatial distribution characteristic about Mentougou District' NPP. Inter-annual variability characteristic about Mentougou District' annual amount NPP is analyzed using MODIS17A3 products from 2003 to 2014. The intra-annual variability characteristic about Mentougou District' GPP was analyzed based on MODIS17A2 product in some typical years (namely 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012). The results show that the NPP of Mentougou District has a significant spatial differentiation characteristic that the value of NPP is low on median and it is high on other region. The NPP value is very low distributed along the river valleys. The annual amount NPP has no significant increasing or decreasing trend from 2005. GPP fluctuated significantly during the year. The differences in GPP/NPP between May and September contributed the most to the differences in GPP/NPP among different years.
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