卫星高光谱红外资料可提供高时空分辨率的温湿度廓线信息,是数值天气预报模式重要的数据源.高光谱红外大气探测仪的温湿度产品资料的质量控制和观测误差描述是同化应用效果的关键.探空资料是对温湿度垂直信息的直接测量,具有较高精度,而汛期加密探空观测(北京时14:00)具有与AIRS(Atmospheric Infrared Sounder)卫星过境时间相匹配的优势,可以较好地验证AIRS反演的廓线产品精度.研究选取中国华东地区,利用2015年夏季的加密探空资料与AIRS反演产品进行时空匹配处理.研究结果表明,AIRS反演的温度廓线精度较高,整体RMSE分布区间为[1.02℃,2.49℃];而湿度廓线整体上呈现低层偏干高层偏湿现象,RMSE分布区间为[12.91%,23.43%];AIRS和AMSU(Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit)联合反演产品中,随着云覆盖范围的增加,温湿度廓线反演精度逐渐降低,但整体上依然保证一定精度,其为将来开展有云覆盖条件下的卫星资料同化应用提供依据.
Satellite hyperspectral infrared data provide high temporal and spatial resolution information on atmospheric temperature and humidity profiles. They are important data source for numerical weather prediction models. Quality control of the data and correct characterization of observation errors are key to the successful application of assimilation. The radiosonde data is a direct measurement with high precision, which can be used to validate satellite retrievals. During the flood season of East China, high density radiosonde observations provide a valuable opportunity to examine the quality and quantify the error of Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) retrieved products, both of which have a similar observation time at 14:00 Beijing time. This study focuses on East China during the summer of 2015. Results show that the AIRS retrieved temperature profiles are in good agreement with the radiosonde data, whilst the AIRS retrieved relative humidity profiles show the phenomenon of wetter in higher layers and drier in lower layers. The RMSE difference of temperature and relative humidity range from 1.02℃ to 2.49℃ and from 12.91% to 23.43%, respectively. Under the AIRS and AMSU (Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit) joint inversion products, the accuracy of retrieved temperature and humidity profiles are gradually degraded with the increasing number of total cloud fraction, but the results maintain a certain accuracy as a whole. This study provides a basis for the satellite data assimilation application under cloud cover.
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