

  • 施宏亮 ,
  • 施剑勇 ,
  • 袁晓 ,
  • 薄顺奇
  • 1. 上海市崇明区野生动物保护管理站, 上海 202150;
    2. 上海市野生动物保护管理站, 上海 200023

收稿日期: 2017-05-22

  网络出版日期: 2018-05-29



Seicercus affinis and records of eleven other new birds in Shanghai

  • SHI Hong-liang ,
  • SHI Jian-yong ,
  • YUAN Xiao ,
  • BO Shun-qi
  • 1. Shanghai Chongming Wildlife Conservation Station, Shanghai 202150, China;
    2. Shanghai Wildlife Conservation and Management Station, Shanghai 200023, China

Received date: 2017-05-22

  Online published: 2018-05-29


2012年9月至2015年4月,有9种鸟类在上海市内首次被发现,分别是:白眶鹟莺Seicercus affinis、棕脸鹟莺Abroscopus albogularis、冠纹柳莺Phylloscopus claudiae、绿背姬鹟Ficedula elisae、褐胸鹟Muscicapa muttui、宝兴歌鸫Turdus mupinensis、漠Oenanthe deserti、灰翅鸥Larus glaucescens和蛇雕Spilornis cheela;另有3种此前已被记录到但未记入上海鸟类名录的鸟类再次被发现,分别是:赤嘴潜鸭Netta rufina、灰树鹊Dendrocitta formosae和黄臀鹎Pycnonotus xanthorrhous.这12种鸟类均被确定为上海市鸟类新记录,目前上海市有记录的鸟类共计20目70科457种.

关键词: 上海; 鸟类; 新记录


施宏亮 , 施剑勇 , 袁晓 , 薄顺奇 . 白眶鹟莺等12种上海市鸟类新记录[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2018 , 2018(3) : 184 -189 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2018.03.019


We reported twelve new distribution records of bird species in Shanghai. Nine species, including Seicercus affinis, Abroscopus albogularis, Phylloscopus claudiae, Ficedula elisae, Muscicapa muttui, Turdus mupinensis, Oenanthe deserti, Larus glaucescens, Spilornis cheela, were first recorded in Shanghai. Another three species, Netta rufina, Dendrocitta formosae and Pycnonotus xanthorrhous, that were previously recorded but not listed in the Shanghai Bird List were observed again. All twelve species were considered new records for Shanghai. Thus, a total of 457 bird species, belonging to 20 orders and 70 families, have been now recorded in Shanghai.


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