在当前的电子仓单业务中,仓单真实性需要第三方机构背书.但机构失信导致重复质押事件时常发生,这给国家造成了巨大损失;而且数据采用集中管理方式,不公开,商品溯源困难.为了解决这两个问题,利用区块链系统高度透明、去中心化、去信任化、不可篡改的特点,设计实现了基于区块链的仓单管理系统,确保了标的仓单的准确性和真实性.在此基础上,在区块链系统上构建了倒排索引,提高了查询效率,且支持复杂查询;同时,实现了基于表述性状态传递(RepresentationalState Transfer,REST)的微服务架构,为多方接入提供了灵活接口,也为企业已有系统的集成及Web端、移动端的实现提供了支持.
Currently, the authenticity of warehouse receipts requires endorsement by a third party in the warehouse receipt e-business. However, fraud cases where receipts are repeatedly pledged often occur, causing huge losses to the country. The data, moreover, is often centrally managed and unavailable to the public, making it difficult to trace records for goods. To solve these problems, this paper designs and implements a warehouse receipt management system, based on blockchain technology, which offers a high degree of transparency, decentralization, trust, and an unchangeable historical record. The system can ensure the accuracy and authenticity of the warehouse receipt. The paper builds an inverted index structure on the blockchain system to improve the efficiency of queries and also support complex queries. The paper proposes a REST(Representational State Transfer)-based service architecture, which provides a flexible, multiple access interface, making it easy to integrate with existing systems and provide support for the development of web and mobile applications.
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