In order to find a high-efficiency denitrification method, a Pseudomonas genus-based strain was selected from the sediment of Cascade Pond in Longhong Ravine. The strain had heterotrophic nitrification and aerobic denitrification capability and was named LHJ-1. The results showed that the bacterial consortium LHJ-1 had clear heterotrophic nitrification capability; the utilization rates of NH4+-N and TOC were 99.90% and 56.69%, respectively. Concurrently, it demonstrated good denitrification ability, with conversion rates of NO3--N and NO2--N at 92.46% and 89.67%, respectively. Experiments evaluating environmental effects showed that various factors (e.g., C/N ratio, carbon source, pH, and DO concentration) could have a significant influence on the denitrification effect. Accordingly, different environmental factors should be investigated in practical applications to determine the optimum growth conditions for the best nitrogen removal efficiency. The screening of heterotrophic nitrification and aerobic denitrifying bacteria consortium LHJ-1 has broad application prospects for both denitrification and decarbonization of water.
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