以"陶粒"单一填料和"陶粒+沸石"组合填料的两种垂直流人工湿地试验装置为研究对象,评价两种试验装置用于农村生活污水的脱氮性能,并结合湿地植物对TN去除的贡献率及微生物群落多样性解析其脱氮机理,以期为该湿地系统服务于农村生活污水强化脱氮的工程化应用提供理论依据.结果表明:采用"陶粒+沸石"组合填料的垂直流人工湿地对污水中NH4+-N及TN的平均去除率高于采用"陶粒"单一填料的垂直流人工湿地的23%和25%,且其出水的NH4+-N及TN浓度均满足一级B标准(GB 18918—2002)的要求;两种垂直流人工湿地中植物吸收对污水中TN去除的贡献率均低于0.5%,因此填料吸附和微生物净化是该湿地系统脱氮的主要途径;采用"陶粒+沸石"组合填料的垂直流人工湿地中的微生物群落结构具有更高的多样性;组合填料式人工湿地的植物根系及填料中具备丰富的硝化和反硝化功能菌群,从而为该湿地系统应用于农村生活污水的强化脱氮提供了有力保障.
Two pilot-scale vertical flow artificial wetlands with "ceramic" as a single filler and "ceramic+zeolite" as composite fillers were studied, and their respective denitrification performance for rural domestic sewage was evaluated. To understand the denitrification mechanism of the two wetlands, the contribution rate of nitrogen removal by plant absorption and the diversity of the microbial community were analyzed. The object of this study was to provide a theoretical basis for the application of this wetland design to enhance denitrification at rural domestic sewage treatment plants. The results show that the mean removal rate of NH4+-N and TN by the vertical flow artificial wetland with "ceramic+zeolite" as composite fillers was 23% and 25% higher, respectively, than that of "ceramic" as single filler; the NH4+-N and TN concentration of the "ceramic+zeolite" wetland both attained Grade 1-B (GB 18918-2002). The contribution rate of plant absorption for nitrogen removal in the two wetlands was both less than 0.5%. Hence, nitrogen removal was primarily dependent on adsorption by the filler materialss and purification by microorganisms. The biofilm of plant roots and fillers in the wetland with "ceramic+zeolite" composite filler had better microbial community diversity. The concentration of bacteria with nitrogen removal capability (nitrification and denitrification) in the two vertical flow constructed wetlands were substantial, enabling enhanced denitrification of rural domestic sewage.
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