为研究感潮作用对重污染河道内源硫、铁与氮变化的影响及其耦合关系,本研究以上海重污染感潮型河道为对象,通过模拟感潮型河道以探究稳定水位期泥水界面不同形态硫、铁和氮的动态变化,并借助于黑色关联度分析来解析内源硫、铁与氮行为的耦合作用.结果显示感潮模拟组上覆水NH4+-N削减率高达(82.2±1.92)%且TN削减率高达(86.49±2.31)%,表明感潮作用会影响泥水界面形成的好氧-缺氧-厌氧动态分布并促进硝化-反硝化耦合过程,有利于泥水界面总氮与氨氮的削减.灰色关联度分析结果显示间隙水硝态氮与还原态硫和铁的关联度最高为0.910 5和0.858 7.表明硫化物与二价铁对硝态氮的影响最为显著,推测感潮型重污染河道内源硫、铁与氮存在硫自养反硝化和铁自养反硝化的耦合作用.该研究有望为重污染感潮型河道修复与治理提供理论参考.
To study the impact of tidal effects on endogenous sulfur(S), iron (Fe), and nitrogen (N), as well as their possible coupling, the present work investigated the dynamic variations of endogenous S, Fe and N using a simulated heavily polluted tidal river system. In addition, Grey relational analysis (GRA) was applied to elucidate the coupling of endogenous S, Fe and N behavior. The results showed a NH4+-N reduction rate of (82.2±1.92)% and a TN reduction rate of (86.49±2.31)% for the simulated tidal system. The simulation suggested that a tidal alternation facilitated the formation of an oxic-anoxic-anaerobic microenvironment at the sediment-overlying water interface and thus stimulated the coupled nitrification-denitrification process, which was in favor of ammonium and total nitrogen removal. Grey relational analysis (GRA) showed the highest integrated grey relational grade between nitrate and reduced sulfur (0.910 5) and nitrate and iron (0.858 7) in interstitial water. The results indicated that nitrate was most affected by reduced sulfur and iron; we postulate that endogenous sulfur and iron with nitrogen might exist by sulfur-driven autotrophic denitrification or iron-driven autotrophic denitrification. This study may provide reference for treatment and restoration of heavily polluted tidal rivers.
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