The goal of a sponge city is to solve the water problems faced by a city. However, there may exist risks of larvae breeding owing to the stagnant water in sponges. In order to study the status of larvae breeding and its factors in sponges, as a basis for mosquito prevention and control, this study monitored stagnant water, water quality, and mosquito larvae of typical sponges in Chizhou from March to August of 2017. The results showed that larvae bred in Rain Pond 1 of Chizhou No.1 Middle School because of poor water quality (below Class V), extended duration of water retention (2——3 months), adequate blood meal, and the lack of predators; however, larvae were not found in the rest of the sponges. The monthly larvae densities from June to August of 2017 were 1.6, 2.2 and 1.0 per dip, respectively, with 100%, 50%, and 20% dip index, requiring related control management. Accordingly, this risk should be considered in the planning, design, and maintenance stages of a sponge.
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