

  • 李鹏飞 ,
  • 王美婷 ,
  • 梅晔
  • 华东师范大学 精密光谱科学与技术国家重点实验室, 上海 200062

收稿日期: 2017-09-20

  网络出版日期: 2019-01-24



Comparison of the efficiency of equilibrium and nonequilibrium molecular dynamic simulations of molecular solvation free energies

  • LI Peng-fei ,
  • WANG Mei-ting ,
  • MEI Ye
  • State Key Laboratory of Precision Spectroscopy, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

Received date: 2017-09-20

  Online published: 2019-01-24




李鹏飞 , 王美婷 , 梅晔 . 平衡态与非平衡态分子溶剂化自由能的计算效率比较[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2019 , 2019(1) : 83 -92 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2019.01.010


In this study, we used calculations to determine the solvation free energies of 13 side chain analogs of neutral amino acids in water to compare the performance of equilibrium and nonequilibrium molecular dynamic simulations on high-performance computers. We found that nonequilibrium molecular dynamic simulations have the same accuracy as equilibrium molecular dynamic simulations in calculations for solvation free energies. From the perspective of efficiency and computational cost, the nonequilibrium method is more efficient and requires less computational time.


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