There are a number of performance testing tools, like Sysbench and OLTPBench, that can be used to benchmark the testing of database performance. However, because the standard benchmark workload is fixed and application scenarios for users are not always representative, it is impossible to accurately determine system performance. Moreover, if users are required to use a high-level programming language to implement a test workload separately for each application, this will undoubtedly introduce a substantial amount of repetitive work, resulting in inefficient testing. To address these issues, this paper designs and implements a user-defined performance test workload tool. The main benefits of this tool can be summarized as follows:It is easy to use and expandable; it provides a test definition language (TDL) for efficient construction of test cases; and it offers flexible control for mixed execution of transactions, data access distribution, lightweight and granular statistical information collection and analysis, and support for multiple mainstream DBMSs and other databases that provide database access interfaces. We highlight the tool's features through a detailed set of customized workload experiments running on the mainstream DBMS.
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