设M是双曲空间中具有平行平均曲率的完备子流形, Φ是M的无迹第二基本形式. 本文证明了在子流形任意测地球上|Φ|的L2模小于二次增长条件下, supx∈M|Φ|2(x)小于某常数或者|Φ|的Ln模小于某常数时, M是全脐的, 这一结果推广了完备极小子流形的相关结果.
Let M be a complete submanifold with parallel mean curvature in a hyperbolic space and Φ be the traceless second fundamental form of M. In this paper, it is shown that the submanifold is totally umbilical if the L2 norm of |Φ| has less than quadratic growth on any geodesic ball of M and either supx∈M|Φ|2(x) is less than some constant or Ln norm of |Φ| is less than some constant. This is a generalization of the results on complete minimal submanifolds.
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