By combining the hydrodynamic model FVCOM with the biological model ERSEM, based on FABM, this paper develops a new physical-biogeochemical model: FVCOM-FABM-ERSEM. The combined model is suitable for application to coastal areas and is one of the most comprehensive ecosystem models for the lower trophic levels of the marine food-web. Using the combined model, a one-dimensional vertical (1DV) model and a three-dimensional Changjiang Estuary model were established. The results of the 1DV model were consistent with observation data from the European L4 Station. This paper also simulates the physical and biogeochemical processes of Changjiang Estuary from 2013 to 2016 with the 3D Changjiang Estuary model. The distribution of temperature, salinity, nitrate, phosphate, and chlorophyll-a levels were all found to be consistent with observation data from cruises and MODIS data in the spring when algal blooms occur. The characteristics of the front dynamics of Changjiang Estuary were well represented. The relationship between salinity, turbidity, nutrients, and chlorophyll around the plume front was determined through modeling, indicating a significant co-occurrence effect along the front of physical and biological processes.
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