提出了一种基于灰度模型的电能量异常数据修复方法, 以经过识别的正常历史电能量数据作为输入变量, 以异常点所处的时间节点电能量数据作为输出变量, 经过一次累加, 级比检验, 求解预测方程得到预测值, 动态地对电能量数据进行迭代预测, 最终对预测值进行精度检验, 预测的平均相对残差为2.182%, 根据结果对原始数据进行修改, 从而达到修复电能量异常数据的目的. 以某区域实际电能量数据进行模型预测修复, 并对结果以及误差进行分析, 验证了该方法的可行性.
The traditional technique of repairing anomalous electrical energy data requires large amounts of data, has a high operational cost, and results in poor timeliness by using interpolation and other statistical methods; hence, the accuracy and efficiency of repairing results are limited. In this paper, a method for repairing anomalous electrical energy data based on the Grey Model is proposed. The normal historical electrical energy data is taken as an input variable, and the time node electrical energy data at which the abnormal point is located is taken as the output variable. The ratio test and the prediction equation are used to obtain the predicted value. The electrical energy data is iteratively predicted. Finally, the accuracy of the predicted value is tested. The average relative residual of the prediction was found to be 2.182%. The original data is then modified according to the result so as to repair the electrical energy anomaly data. The model prediction and repair are carried out with the actual electrical energy data of a certain area, and the results and errors are analyzed. The feasibility of the method is subsequently verified.
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