

  • 罗祖奎 ,
  • 李扬 ,
  • 徐曦 ,
  • 屈铭志 ,
  • 马进 ,
  • 孙文 ,
  • 黄舒欣 ,
  • 仝慧林
  • 1. 凯里学院 大健康学院,贵州 凯里 556011;
    2. 雷公山国家级自然保护区管理局,贵州 雷山 557100;
    3. 上海聚隆生态保护技术研究中心,上海 200090
罗祖奎,男,教授,研究方向为湿地生态学. E-mail:luozukui@126.com

收稿日期: 2019-07-11

  网络出版日期: 2020-07-20


国家自然科学基金(31960231); 贵州省科技厅、黔东南州科技局、凯里学院科技合作协议项目(黔科合LH字[2015]7755); 上海道融自然保护与可持续发展中心资助; 凯里学院校级重点课题(Z1301); 凯里学院高层次人才深度研究专项课题(GCC201802)

Ecological restoration effect of paddy fields after rice planting pattern transformation in the rural wetlands of Chenhaiwei, Jiangsu Province

  • LUO Zukui ,
  • LI Yang ,
  • XU Xi ,
  • QU Mingzhi ,
  • MA Jin ,
  • SUN Wen ,
  • HUANG Shuxin ,
  • TONG Huilin
  • 1. School of Sports and Health Science, Kaili University, Kaili, Guizhou 556011, China;
    2. Bureau of Leigongshan National Nature Reserve, Leishan, Guizhou 557100, China;
    3. Shanghai Julong Eco-protection Technology Research Center, Shanghai 200090, China

Received date: 2019-07-11

  Online published: 2020-07-20


为了检验沉海圩乡村湿地传统稻田转化为生态稻田之后的生态恢复效果, 在2018年7月—2019年5月对景观湖泊、生态稻田、传统稻田和居民区河道四类湿地的两栖类、底栖动物和水质进行野外调查及实验室处理. 结果表明: ①两栖类种类在景观湖泊、生态稻田、传统稻田和居民区河道依次减少; 两栖类数量在景观湖泊和生态稻田之间无显著差异, 但两者的数量均显著高于传统稻田和居民区河道. ②底栖动物种类和数量在稻田潮湿季节四类湿地之间均无显著差异; 但在稻田干旱季节生态稻田均处于最低水平. ③生态稻田水质的有机氮和磷的指标在四类湿地中处于中等水平, 但叶绿素a浓度最低. 总体而言, 沉海圩稻田种植模式转变后生态恢复效果在一定程度上得到了提高, 但缺乏科学管理不利于物种稳定, 针对生态稻田管理提出了建议.


罗祖奎 , 李扬 , 徐曦 , 屈铭志 , 马进 , 孙文 , 黄舒欣 , 仝慧林 . 江苏省沉海圩乡村湿地水稻田种植模式转变后的生态恢复效果[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2020 , 2020(4) : 164 -172 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.201931009


In this paper, we evaluated the ecological restoration effect of transforming traditional paddy fields into ecological paddy fields in the rural wetlands of Chenhaiwei. To achieve this objective, we conducted field investigations and laboratory observations, from July 2018 to May 2019, of amphibians, benthic animals, and the water quality at a landscape lake, ecological paddy field, traditional paddy field, and residential ditch. The results showed that:①Amphibian species decreased sequentially from the landscape lake, ecological paddy field, traditional paddy field, and residential ditch. There was not a significant difference in the number of amphibians observed between the landscape lake and the ecological paddy field, but the number of amphibians was significantly higher than those observed at the traditional paddy field and residential ditch. ②There were no significant differences in the types and numbers of benthic species among the four types of habitats in the wet season, but the ecological paddy field showed the least variety and quantity of benthic species in the dry season. ③The water quality indices of organic nitrogen and phosphorus from the ecological paddy field ranked in the middle among the four habitats, but chlorophyll-a concentration was the lowest. In general, ecological recovery improved to a certain extent after transforming the planting pattern of the rice field at Chenhaiwei, but the lack of scientific management is not conducive to species stability. We put forward suggestions for ecological management of paddy fields.


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