社区贡献货币化是促进社区发展的一个途径. 在互联网上已实现的方式是平台的掌控者来操控社区代币(私人或机构发行的货币)的分配和使用, 这种方式阻碍了社区的发展. 本文针对这一问题提出了一种激励社区人员做出贡献的方法. 主要分为代币分配、投票、代币交易、以代币为押金基础和以投票为标准的社区仲裁. 它使社区贡献和加密货币相互转化, 在社区中持有的代币和做出的贡献呈正相关, 能够很好地表达社区中贡献的情况. 社区中的投票结果体现了社区的意愿. 押金模式为代币提供了供应需求. 最后, 对智能合约中方法的gas使用的情况做了统计, 结果表明gas的平均花费在70 000左右, 该方法花费较低.
Monetization of community contributions is a way to promote community development. The existing solution, implemented on the Internet, requires that the platform’s manager controls the distribution and use of community tokens (i.e., currency issued by private or institutional entities), which hinders community development. In this paper, we propose a method to motivate community members to make contributions. The proposed method primarily relates to token allocation, voting, trading, and community arbitration based on tokens and votes. It transforms the contribution of the community into cryptocurrency, and the tokens’ owners are positively correlated with the contributions they make; this concept effectively reflects contribution to the community. The voting results reflect the will of the community. The deposit model defines supply requirements for the tokens. Finally, we use statistics on the use of gas with smart contracts. The results show that the average cost of gas is currently around 70 000, and the cost of gas with the proposed method is less.
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