通过聚类分析的方法分析太浦河水源地石油类污染时空分布特征, 并对太浦河沿线加油站、码头固定污染源以及船舶流动污染源进行实地调查与监测, 探讨固定源、流动源对石油类污染的影响. 结果显示: 金泽水库建库以来, 2017年10月—2018年9月太浦河水源地太浦闸、平望大桥和黎里东大桥等9处监测点位石油类污染平均超标率达62.96%. 空间上, 太浦河中下游芦墟大桥、金泽水文站断面石油类浓度偏高; 时间上, 非汛期较汛期石油类污染影响更为明显. 汾湖入湖口处加油站、码头影响较大, 对干流石油类污染贡献度较高; 船舶流动源主要集中在太浦河中下游段, 且过境船只数量对干流石油类浓度具有显著影响. 针对太浦河水源地石油类污染特征, 从“监管—预警—应急”视角提出石油类污染风险防范对策建议.
The spatial and temporal distribution of petroleum pollution in the Taipu River was analyzed using a clustering methodology. The stationary source and mobile source of petroleum pollution were surveyed and monitored to determine their influence on the Taipu River. The results showed that the average over-limit rate of petroleum pollution was 62.96% among the 9 monitoring stations in the Taipu River. Luxu bridge (S4) and Jinze hydrometric station (S5) in the middle and lower Taipu River, respectively, were the primary stations with petroleum pollution. The peak level of petroleum pollution was observed during the dry period of the Taipu River. Petrol stations and wharves in the estuary of Fenhu Lake were the primary stationary source of petroleum pollution in the trunk stream of Taipu River. The mobile source of petroleum pollution from boats was primarily concentrated on the middle and lower Taipu River, and the number of transit boats had a significant positive correlation with the concentration of petroleum pollution. Based on the spatial and temporal distribution of petroleum pollution in the Taipu River, this article proposes guidelines for petroleum pollution prevention and policy implications.
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