收稿日期: 2020-04-21
网络出版日期: 2021-01-22
A study on the date of manufacture and social function of the celadon ding incense burner unearthed from the Zhanggongxiang kiln
Received date: 2020-04-21
Online published: 2021-01-22
Although the Zhanggongxiang kiln has been confirmed as an official kiln, it is difficult to determine linkage with specific dynasties across its history. This study compares the relationship between the ding celadon incense burner of Zhanggongxiang and Goryeo on the basis of shape progress. Through this research, this study deduces the date of manufacture of the celadon ding incense burner and its respective social function. To overcome the limitations of existing references, this study presents a new research perspective. The main conclusions are: 1) During the spread of Daoism, the ritual bronze was bestowed by the Song Emperor; the Goryeo celadon ding motivated by Song bronze, moreover, was used for religious rituals and developed its shape relatively clearly. 2) The Goryeo celadon ding is classified by three deformed and decorative features. The characteristic of the Zhanggongxiang celadon ding is a similar type with the previous type in Goryeo celadon ding. Hence, it is estimated that the artifact was manufactured between year 1123 and the middle to late 12th century. 3) The celadon ding incense burner and the Eight Trigrams decorative graphic reflect both the linkage with Daoism and the political needs of the Emperor. These celadons help enhance our comprehension of the historical times in which they were created.
成高韵 , 刘朝晖 . 高丽青瓷鼎形炉的年代和社会功能初探:兼与张公巷窑出土器物之比较[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2020 , 2020(S1) : 32 -36 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.202092108
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