收稿日期: 2020-03-14
网络出版日期: 2021-01-28
国家自然科学基金(91950112); 上海市自然科学基金(19ZR1414500)
Electron spin coherence dynamics in CdS crystals
Received date: 2020-03-14
Online published: 2021-01-28
利用时间分辨克尔旋转(Time-Resolved Kerr Rotation, TRKR)光谱技术研究了纤锌矿n-CdS(n型掺杂)(0001)面单晶在不同温度、不同波长下的电子自旋相干动力学. 发现低温下该材料存在两种电子自旋信号: 一种是在较长泵浦探测波长下存在的长寿命自旋信号, 低温5 K时其自旋退相位时间长达4.8 ns, 随着温度的升高不断减小; 另一种为较短泵浦探测波长下存在的短寿命自旋信号, 其自旋退相位时间约为40 ps, 可以持续到室温, 该自旋信号几乎不受温度的影响. 研究表明, 长寿命自旋信号来自于局域电子, 而短寿命自旋信号来自于导带自由电子.
郭家兴 , 吴真 , 梁盼 , 姜美珍 , 胡蓉蓉 , 张圆圆 , 冯东海 . CdS晶体电子自旋相干动力学[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2021 , 2021(1) : 92 -102 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.202022005
In this paper, we use time-resolved Kerr rotation(TRKR) spectroscopy to study the electron spin coherence dynamics of a wurtzite (0001) plane n-CdS single crystal at different temperatures and wavelengths. Two types of electronic spin signals are observed in this material at low temperatures. One is a long-lived spin signal at relatively long pump probe wavelengths, where the spin dephasing time exceeds 4.8 ns at 5 K and decreases with increasing temperature. The other is a short-lived spin signal at relatively short pump probe wavelengths, where the spin dephasing time is about 40 ps and persists up to room temperature; in this case, the spin signal is largely independent of temperature. Studies have shown that long-lived spin signals can be attributed to localized electrons, while short-lived spin signals can be attributed to conduction delocalized electrons.
Key words: electron spin; CdS; single crystal; pump-probe
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