

  • 李丹 ,
  • 郑丙辉 ,
  • 储昭升 ,
  • 汪星 ,
  • 黄民生
  • 1. 华东师范大学 生态与环境科学学院 上海 200241
    2. 中国环境科学研究院湖泊水污染治理与生态修复技术国家工程实验室 北京 100012
李 丹, 女, 博士, 研究方向为水环境治理与修复. E-mail: lidan01@craes.org.cn

收稿日期: 2021-01-06

  网络出版日期: 2021-07-23


国家科技重大专项(2017ZX07207001, 2018ZX07208008)

Comprehensive evaluation of engineering applications for multi-pond constructed wetlands in Erhai Lake Basin

  • Dan LI ,
  • Binghui ZHENG ,
  • Zhaosheng CHU ,
  • Xing WANG ,
  • Minsheng HUANG
  • 1. School of Ecological and Environmental Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China
    2. National Engineering Laboratory for Lake Pollution Control and Ecological Restoration, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Science, Beijing 100012, China

Received date: 2021-01-06

  Online published: 2021-07-23


为建立集成化多塘湿地(Multi-pond Constructed Wetlands, MPCWs)多维度评价体系, 选取污染物净化能力、污水蓄积性能、植被生态修复效果及经济成本为指标, 采用等级评价方法评估了多塘湿地工程的综合效果. 结果表明: 大规模集成化多塘湿地应用于面源污染控制, 有助于污染物的截留. 净化后的中水便于农村农业就近用水, 可实现节水减污、水资源调配及污水回用; 多塘湿地植被配置有助于植被生态修复, 有助于污水净化. 基于多塘湿地不同功能需求, 综合考虑经济成本及深水湿地安全隐患大等因素, 提出了不同类型多塘湿地的应用建议. 水量小、污染重、人口多的区域可匹配浅水表流湿地; 水量大、污染重、人口少的区域可匹配生态浮床湿地. 兼顾土地资源禀赋、污染源结构、农村农业用水资源分配等多种因素可实现不同类型多塘湿地的科学应用.


李丹 , 郑丙辉 , 储昭升 , 汪星 , 黄民生 . 洱海流域多塘湿地工程综合效果评价[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2021 , 2021(4) : 8 -16 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2021.04.002


In this study, the rank evaluation method was used to comprehensively assess engineering applications for integrated multi-pond constructed wetlands (MPCWs) using a multi-dimensional evaluation system. We used pollutant purification performance, sewage storage capacity, vegetation ecological restoration, and economic investment as indicators for the evaluation. The results showed that the application of large-scale integrated MPCWs for controlling non-point source pollution was helpful for intercepting pollutants. Accumulated and purified reclaimed water was available for nearby rural agricultural water use. The implementation of MPCWs can result in water savings, pollution reduction, water resource allocation, and sewage reuse. The inclusion of vegetation within MPCWs was beneficial for ecological vegetation restoration and sewage purification. Given the economic investment requirement for MPCWs and the high potential security risks of deep-water MPCWs, we proposed application suggestions for different groups of MPCWs based on functional requirements. Shallow free water surface flow constructed wetlands could be used in populous areas with small volumes of highly polluted water, and eco-floating treatment wetlands could be used in sparsely populated areas with large volumes of highly polluted water. The scientific application of different groups of MPCWs also requires consideration of other factors, such as local special land resource endowments, pollution source structures, and the allocation of rural agricultural water resources.


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