

  • 罗嘉贝 ,
  • 周莹菲 ,
  • 冷寒冰 ,
  • 孟陈 ,
  • 侯正阳 ,
  • 宋通通 ,
  • 胡正云 ,
  • 张超 ,
  • 奉树成
  • 1. 华东师范大学 地理信息科学教育部重点实验室, 上海 200241
    2. 上海植物园 上海城市植物资源开发应用工程技术研究中心, 上海 200231
    3. 华东师范大学 生态与环境科学学院,上海 200241
    4. 北京林业大学 林学院, 北京 100083
    5. 华东师范大学环境遥感与数据同化联合实验室, 上海 200241

收稿日期: 2020-11-23

  网络出版日期: 2022-01-18


上海市科学技术委员会重大项目 (18DZ2283500) ; 国家自然科学基金 (31500392, 31800411, 41876093)

Quick estimation of three-dimensional vegetation volume based on images from an unmanned aerial vehicle: A case study on Shanghai Botanical Garden

  • Jiabei LUO ,
  • Yingfei ZHOU ,
  • Hanbing LENG ,
  • Chen MENG ,
  • Zhengyang HOU ,
  • Tongtong SONG ,
  • Zhengyun HU ,
  • Chao ZHANG ,
  • Shucheng FENG
  • 1. Key Laboratory of Geographic Information Science (Ministry of Education), East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China
    2. Shanghai Urban Plant Resources Development and Application Engineering Technology Research Center, Shanghai Botanical Garden, Shanghai 200231, China
    3. School of Ecological and Environmental Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China
    4. College of Forestry, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China
    5. The Joint Laboratory for Environmental Remote Sensing and Data Assimilation, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China

Received date: 2020-11-23

  Online published: 2022-01-18


三维绿量是表征城市植被生态效益的综合指标, 如何在高度异质性的城市生境中精确、快捷地开展三维绿量监测, 是当前城市植被生态效益评估亟待解决的难题. 本研究以上海植物园为对象, 通过无人机航摄系统对上海植物园进行低空高分辨率影像获取, 逐像元提取并计算地表高程模型和冠层高度模型, 对上海植物园三维绿量进行估算, 进而对绿量空间分布格局进行分析. 研究发现: ①无人机影像的整体平面和高程精度优于0.1 m, 冠层高度模型精度的平均误差为0.27 m, 标准差为0.58 m. ②上海植物园的绿量分布呈东北低西南高的格局, 总绿量为3538944.50 m3. 绿量最高的3个园区分别为牡丹园(289491.00 m3)、松柏园(338322.10 m3)和温室附属绿地(360587.50 m3); 绿量最低的3个园区分别为休闲绿地(24761.50 m3)、单子叶植物园(31621.40 m3)和蔷薇园(74607.30 m3); 植物园平均绿量密度为6.51 m3/m2, 最高绿量密度的3个园区分别为兰室(9.23 m3/m2)、蕨类园(11.30 m3/m2)和广玉兰香樟大道(13.11 m3/m2); 绿量密度最低的3个园区分别为休闲绿地(1.57 m3/m2)、科研中心绿地(1.81 m3/m2)和蔷薇园(2.58 m3/m2). ③各专类园绿量与乔木群落分布面积、建群种高度以及两者的乘积显著相关, 各专类园绿量密度与乔木群落面积占专类园比例、建群种高度以及两者的乘积显著相关. 本研究可为城市植被绿量快捷估算提供方法参考, 并为上海植物园绿量估算与空间格局优化提供基础数据.


罗嘉贝 , 周莹菲 , 冷寒冰 , 孟陈 , 侯正阳 , 宋通通 , 胡正云 , 张超 , 奉树成 . 基于无人机影像的城市复杂三维绿量快捷估算——以上海植物园为例[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2022 , 2022(1) : 122 -134 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2022.01.014


Three-dimensional vegetation volume is a comprehensive index that can be used to represent the ecological benefits of urban vegetation. However, the challenge of how to accurately and quickly carry out three-dimensional vegetation volume monitoring in highly heterogeneous urban habitats is an urgent problem that requires attention. In this paper, we used Shanghai Botanical Garden as a case study. We acquired low-altitude, high-resolution images of Shanghai Botanical Garden through a UAV aerial photography system; after extracting the data, we calculated the surface elevation and canopy height models, estimated the three-dimensional vegetation volume, and analyzed the spatial distribution pattern. The results showed that: ① The overall plane and elevation accuracy of UAV images was better than 0.1 m, and the average error and standard deviation of the canopy height model accuracy was 0.27 m and 0.58 m, respectively. ② The vegetation volume of Shanghai Botanical Garden was distributed in a pattern from northeast low to southwest high, with a total vegetation volume of 3538944.50 m3. The average green density of the botanical garden was 6.51 m3/m2. The three gardens with the highest vegetation volume were: Peony Garden (289491.00 m3), Pinetum Garden (338322.10 m3), and the Green Space Attached to The Greenhouse (360587.50 m3). The three gardens with the lowest vegetation volume were: Recreational Green Space (24761.50 m3), Monocotyledon Botanical Garden (31621.40 m3), and Rose Garden (74607.30 m3). The three gardens with the highest vegetation volume density were: Tropical Orchid Room (9.23 m3/m2), Fern Garden (11.30 m3/m2), and Magnolia and Camphor Avenue (13.11 m3/m2). The three gardens with the lowest vegetation volume density were Recreational Green Space (1.57 m3/m2), Scientific Research Center Green Space (1.81 m3/m2), and Rose Garden (2.58 m3/m2). ③ The vegetation volume of each specialized garden was significantly related to the distribution area of the arbor community, the height of the constructive species, and the product thereof. The vegetation volume density of each specialized garden was significantly related to the proportion of the area of the arbor community in the specialized garden, the height of the constructive species, and the product thereof. This research can serve as a methodology reference for the quick estimation of urban vegetation volume, and provide basic data vegetation volume estimates and spatial pattern optimization for Shanghai Botanical Garden.


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