收稿日期: 2021-02-25
网络出版日期: 2022-01-18
国家重点研发计划课题(2016YFC0501107); 国家自然科学基金(31660051, 32060051); 中国博士后基金面上项目(2019M651185); 中央高校基本科研业务资助项目(2412019QD010)
Bryophyte diversity of a grassland mining area and its relationship with soil physical and chemical properties
Received date: 2021-02-25
Online published: 2022-01-18
以内蒙古半干旱区草原的代表煤矿—胜利煤矿及周边的贝子庙、植物园、南山水库为研究区, 通过对苔藓植物群落特征和土壤理化性质的相关性研究, 分析了复垦过程中土壤对苔藓植物分布的影响. 结果表明, 胜利矿区苔藓植物有4科6属7种, 各生境苔藓总盖度排序为贝子庙 > 植物园 > 矿区南排土场 > 水库 > 人工林 > 矿区北排土场. 多样性指数分析结果表明, 南排土场苔藓群落物种复杂程度高. 对苔藓植物群落盖度与土壤理化性质的相关性分析表明, 土壤pH值、粉粒含量、沙粒含量和石砾含量对苔藓植物的分布都有显著影响. 通过对苔藓植物群落结构与土壤理化性质的多元分析, 发现不同研究区苔藓植物群落结构的差异性与环境因子的综合影响有关.
冯超 , 甘雨晨 , 贺晓 , 雷少刚 , 程伟 , 黄赳 , 寇瑾 . 草原矿区苔藓植物多样性及其与土壤理化性质的关系[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2022 , 2022(1) : 76 -84 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2022.01.010
In this study, the Shengli Coal Mine—a representative coal mine in the semi-arid grassland of Inner Mongolia—and the adjacent Beizi Temple, Botanical Garden, and Nanshan Reservoir were selected as the study areas. By studying the correlation between the characteristics of the bryophyte community and the physical and chemical properties of the soil, the influence of soil on the distribution of bryophytes was analyzed during the reclamation process. The results showed that there were 4 families, 6 genera, and 7 species of bryophytes in the Shengli mining area. The total coverage of bryophytes in each habitat could be ranked according to the following order: Beizi Temple > Botanical Garden > south dump of the mining area > Nanshan Reservoir > plantation in the mining area > north dump of the mining area. An analysis of the diversity index, moreover, showed that the Shannon-Wiener index at the south dump was the highest, indicating that the species complexity of the moss community at the south dump was relatively high. An analysis of the correlation between the coverage of the bryophyte community and the physical and chemical properties of the soil showed that the soil pH value, silt content, sand content, and gravel content all had significant effects on the distribution of bryophytes. Multivariate analysis of the bryophyte community structure and soil physical and chemical properties showed that the differences in bryophyte community structure between different study areas was related to the cumulative influence of environmental factors.
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