收稿日期: 2020-10-09
网络出版日期: 2022-01-18
国家自然科学基金青年项目(71403173); 上海市哲学社科规划项目(2019BGL038)
Spatial accessibility of elderly healthcare facilities based on an improved potential model: A case study on Fengxian District in Shanghai
Received date: 2020-10-09
Online published: 2022-01-18
空间可达性是判定各类设施布局是否合理的重要参考指标. 科学评价服务设施空间可达性则是判断区域服务差异性以及优化资源空间配置的重要基础. 在基本潜能模型的基础上, 引入需求方阈值, 按照养老机构规模设计了3级服务半径, 加入地区优先匹配原则, 并以上海市奉贤区为例, 基于供需点之间的实际驾车时间、ArcGIS空间分析技术, 对区域内部养老机构空间可达性进行分析. 研究表明: 考虑优先原则的奉贤区养老机构空间可达性分布不均程度加剧, 其中南桥镇、庄行镇、金汇镇部分区域养老机构空间可达性显著较高; 可达性呈现较为明显地从中心城区到外围逐渐降低的趋势; 中部区域一些乡镇存在养老机构密集, 养老资源相对集中的现象. 改进的潜能模型进一步考虑了养老机构服务能力强弱、老年人需求等因素的影响, 能更合理地评价机构的空间可达性. 研究结果可为养老机构的科学规划提供参考与建议.
武田艳 , 夏清涛 , 陈震 . 基于改进潜能模型的养老机构空间可达性——以上海市奉贤区为例[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2022 , 2022(1) : 85 -96 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2022.01.011
Spatial accessibility is an important reference index to determine whether the layout of various types of facilities is reasonable. Scientific evaluation of the spatial accessibility of service facilities is an important basis for judging regional service differences and optimizing the spatial allocation of resources. Using the basic potential model as a basis for our analysis, we introduced a demand-side threshold, designed a three-level service radius based on the scale requirements for elderly care institutions, and implemented regional priority matching principles. Taking Fengxian District of Shanghai as an example, we analyzed the spatial accessibility of elderly care institutions in the region based on the actual driving time between supply and demand points and ArcGIS spatial analysis technology. The results show that the spatial accessibility of nursing homes in Fengxian District is uneven, and the spatial accessibility in some areas of Nanqiao Town, Zhuanghang Town, and Jinhui Town is significantly higher. A trend of gradually decreasing accessibility can be observed from the city center to the periphery. In some towns and villages of the central region, there are dense elderly care institutions and relatively concentrated elderly resources. The improved potential model considers the influence of factors such as the service capacity of elderly care institutions and the needs of the elderly, which can evaluate the spatial accessibility of institutions more effectively. The research results provide a reference point and offer suggestions for scientific planning and decision-making of elderly care institutions.
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