

  • 张洋 ,
  • 赖叶静 ,
  • 黄定江
  • 华东师范大学 数据科学与工程学院, 上海 200062

收稿日期: 2021-08-24

  网络出版日期: 2023-03-23


国家自然科学基金(11501204, U1711262)

Device component state recognition method of power distribution cabinet based on a residual networks

  • Yang ZHANG ,
  • Yejing LAI ,
  • Dingjiang HUANG
  • School of Data Science and Engineering, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

Received date: 2021-08-24

  Online published: 2023-03-23


随着工业智能巡检的不断发展, 基于数字图像处理方法的设备元件状态识别系统被广泛应用. 为提升配电室中配电柜设备元件状态识别的准确率, 提出了一种基于残差网络(residual networks, ResNet)的设备元件状态识别方法. 首先搭建数据采集系统, 构建数据集; 然后对配电柜图像, 裁剪预设的设备元件目标区域, 生成设备元件图像; 对于设备元件图像, 构建基于ResNet的元件状态识别模型并训练; 使用训练完毕的模型识别元件的状态. 以变电站配电室中配电柜设备元件数据集作为研究对象, 对于特征复杂的元件采用单预测头的网络, 对于特征简单的元件采用多预测头的网络; 然后使用紧凑和剪枝的模型压缩方法在精度损失较小的情况下减少参数量和计算量; 最后介绍巡检系统的架构设计, 将JetSon Nano边缘终端作为算法模块的运行硬件, 以减少通信成本.


张洋 , 赖叶静 , 黄定江 . 基于残差网络的配电柜设备元件状态识别[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2023 , 2023(2) : 132 -142 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2023.02.014


With the continuous development of industrial intelligent inspection technology, the equipment element state recognition system based on digital image processing is widely used. In order to improve the accuracy of power distribution cabinet(PDC) equipment element state recognition in a distribution room, a ResNet(residual networks)-based equipment element state recognition method is proposed. Firstly, the data acquisition system is set up and the data set is constructed. Then, for the PDC image, the preset device component target area is cropped to generate the device component image. For device component images, a ResNet-based component state recognition model was constructed and trained, and the trained model was used to identify component states. Taking the data set for power distribution cabinet equipment element in substation distribution rooms as the research object, a network of single prediction heads is adopted as the component with complex features, and the network of multiple prediction heads is adopted as the component with simple features. Then, the compact and pruning model compression method is used to reduce the number of parameters and the calculation amount under the condition of less accuracy loss. Finally, the architecture design of the inspection system is introduced. A JetSon Nano edge terminal is used as the running hardware of the algorithm module to reduce the communication cost.


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