

  • 杨安强 ,
  • 赵丽侠 ,
  • 宋淑贞 ,
  • 刘倢 ,
  • 何彦龙 ,
  • 王艳娜
  • 1. 华东师范大学 河口海岸学国家重点实验室, 上海 200241
    2. 自然资源部 东海生态中心, 上海 201206
    3. 自然资源部 海洋生态监测与修复技术重点实验室, 上海 201206
    4. 卑尔根大学 生物科学系, 卑尔根 N-5020, 挪威
    5. 长江三角洲河口湿地生态系统教育部/上海市野外科学观测研究站, 上海 202162

收稿日期: 2021-07-26

  录用日期: 2021-10-09

  网络出版日期: 2023-05-25


国家外专千人计划项目(WQ20133100150); 自然资源部海洋生态监测与修复技术重点实验室开放基金(MEMRT202109); 自然资源部海洋空间资源管理技术重点实验室开放基金(KF-2021-107); 长江三角洲河口湿地生态系统教育部/上海市野外科学观测研究站开放课题(K202002); 华东师范大学配套建设经费(2016RCDW01)

Growth response of Heterosigma akashiwo to the changes of CO2 concentration, temperature and nutrient

  • Anqiang YANG ,
  • Lixia ZHAO ,
  • Shuzhen SONG ,
  • Jie LIU ,
  • Yanlong HE ,
  • Yanna WANG
  • 1. State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China
    2. East China Sea Environmental Monitoring Center, State Oceanic Administration, Shanghai 201206, China
    3. East China Sea Ecological Center, the Ministry of Natural Resources, Shanghai 201206, China
    4. Department of Biological Sciences, University of Bergen, Bergen N-5020, Norway
    5. Yangtze Delta Estuarine Wetland Ecosystem Observation and Research Station, Ministry of Education & Shanghai Science and Technology Committee, Shanghai 202162

Received date: 2021-07-26

  Accepted date: 2021-10-09

  Online published: 2023-05-25


赤潮异弯藻 (Heterosigma akashiwo) 是爆发有害藻华的常见藻种, 也是危害海洋渔业的赤潮生物之一, 广泛分布在全球近岸海域. 随着大气CO2浓度升高、全球变暖及人类活动导致陆源营养盐入海通量的增加, 在河口及近岸海域频发藻华. 本研究通过调控营养盐浓度、CO2浓度和温度, 探讨了当前气候变化趋势下赤潮异弯藻生长对营养盐变化的响应. 结果显示, 在所有CO2浓度和温度条件下, 低磷组的赤潮异弯藻细胞密度和比生长速率均显著低于高磷组的; 当CO2浓度升高时, 赤潮异弯藻细胞最大密度和比生长速率均显著提高; 当同时升高CO2浓度和温度时, 其比生长速率再次显著增加; 赤潮异弯藻的生长对不同CO2浓度和温度的响应在4种营养条件下类似. 该研究表明, 磷浓度是控制赤潮异弯藻生长的主要因子, 在未来气候条件下赤潮异弯藻爆发藻华的强度和风险不断增加. 控制营养盐的增加, 特别是磷酸盐浓度, 可能是防控赤潮异弯藻爆发的关键手段之一. 该研究结果可为近岸水域的海洋生态管理提供参考.


杨安强 , 赵丽侠 , 宋淑贞 , 刘倢 , 何彦龙 , 王艳娜 . 赤潮异弯藻对CO2浓度、温度和营养盐变化的响应[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2023 , 2023(3) : 108 -117 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2023.03.011


Heterosigma akashiwo is one of the species of harmful algal blooms (HABs) threatening marine ecosystems and the fishing industry across coastal waters worldwide. With increasing global levels of atmospheric CO2 and global warming, HABs have increased in prevalence, duration, and geographic span; this phenomenon has been further stressed by intensified anthropogenic influences, such as eutrophication. Through controlled experiments with different nutrients, CO2 concentrations, and temperatures, our study aimed to understand the response of H. akashiwo to different nutrients with changes in climate. In all simulated CO2 and temperature scenarios, both cell density and the specific growth rate of H. akashiwo in the low phosphorus groups were significantly lower than those in the high phosphorus groups. Furthermore, the maximum cell density and specific growth rate of H. akashiwo were significantly enhanced by increased CO2, while the specific growth rate was accelerated by the dual effect of increased CO2 levels and temperature. The growth response of H. akashiwo to CO2 and temperature was similar between different nutrient treatments. Taken together, the results indicate that phosphorus concentration could be the major factor controlling the growth of H. akashiwo, and the intensity and risk of H. akashiwo blooming in the future is increasing. Hence, controlling the increase of nutrients, particularly phosphate, could be a critical pathway to decrease the occurrence of H. akashiwo blooms. In summary, our case study provides scientific support for marine ecological management of HABs.


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