收稿日期: 2022-05-16
录用日期: 2022-10-20
网络出版日期: 2023-05-25
水利部流域水治理重大关键技术研究项目 (SKR-2022036); 华东师范大学河口海岸学国家重点实验室2021年开放课题 (SKLEC-K7-202110)
Temporal and spatial characteristics of residual currents and net fluxes in the eastern waters of Macao during the summer
Received date: 2022-05-16
Accepted date: 2022-10-20
Online published: 2023-05-25
基于澳门东侧水域两座河口原型观测试验站夏季15 d的连续观测资料, 分析了潮周期垂向平均欧拉余流、拉格朗日余流和斯托克斯余流时空变化特征的同时, 将其概念推广到垂向潮汐动力影响下的分层余流分析中. 研究显示, 夏季澳门东侧南、北端水域整体涨落潮流态一致, 南侧水域潮动力显著大于北侧; 半月时段内, 北侧水域潮流物质整体输移方向指向西北, 南侧指向东南, 拉格朗日余流流速分别为2.2 cm/s和5.1 cm/s, 略小于欧拉余流. 受海面西南季风影响, 南、北侧水域表层欧拉余流、拉格朗日余流和斯托克斯余流流向均为东北向. 潮周期垂向平均余流在洪水期指向外海侧, 非洪水期北侧水域指向近岸, 南侧水域指向伶仃洋河口东侧. 海面风主导东南侧水域的斯托克斯漂移强度, 对东北侧水域影响不明显, 洪水期径流动力增强会削弱海面风引起的漂移作用; 但南、北侧水域表层潮流物质输运强度和方向都与海面风密切相关. 基于余流流态结合净潮通量分析显示, 夏季澳门水道出口以下水域存在较为稳定的逆时针余环流, 初步分析其原因主要是: 珠江河口外海侧强劲的东北向沿岸流引起澳门东侧水域形成自东向西的补偿流所致. 夏季, 该独特的动力结构会截获上游东四口门下泄的部分水沙进入澳门水道, 导致澳门水道滩槽淤积和水体交换不畅.
喻丰华 , 方神光 , 何用 , 何青 . 澳门东侧水域夏季余流及通量的时空变化特征[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2023 , 2023(3) : 147 -157 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2023.03.014
This study analyzed the spatial and temporal variations of depth-averaged residual currents of Eulerian, Lagrangian, and Stokes during a tidal cycle in the eastern waters of Macao. Data were collected for 15 days during the summer from two field stations using a method specifically designed to deal with stratified residual flow. Our findings revealed similar dynamical characteristics during flood and ebb tides in the southeast and northeast waters of Macao, with currents being more pow-erful in the southeast. We found that the material carried by the tidal current tends to travel northwest at the station A6 and southeast at A7, with Lagrange residuals being around 2.2 cm/s and 5.1 cm/s, respectively, which is slightly smaller than Eulerian residuals. Influenced by the southwest monsoon, the directions of Euler, Lagrangian, and Stokes surface residual currents on the surface generally pointed northeast. Furthermore, our results showed that the depth-averaged residuals during a tidal cycle pointed towards the open sea during upstream flooding, towards nearshore in northeast waters, and towards the east in southeast waters under non-flooding conditions. The intensity of Stokes drift in southeast waters was primarily influenced by wind on the water surface, while the effect of wind on the northeast waters was limited and weakened by enhanced runoff. The intensity and direction of transportation in both southeast and northeast waters were related to wind speeds on the sea surface. During summer, analysis of net tidal flux indicated a relatively stable counterclockwise residual current circulation in the waters downstream to the outlet of the Macao waterway. This circulation was driven by the strong northeast littoral current outside the Pearl River Estuary, leading to the formation of an east-west flowing structure compensated in the east waters of Macao. During this season, part of the tidal sediment was intercepted by this unique dynamic structure discharged by east four mouths in the Lingdingyang Estuary upstream and re-entered the Macao waters with rising tidal water, which leaded to sedimentation of beaches and troughs and poor water exchange.
Key words: residual current; net flux; tidal power; sea surface wind; Macao waters
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