收稿日期: 2022-05-17
录用日期: 2022-08-24
网络出版日期: 2023-05-25
国家重点研发计划 (2017YFC0506002); 长江三角洲河口湿地生态系统教育部/上海市野外科学观测研究站开放课题 (K202007); 上海市科委项目 (22DZ1202600)
Impact of coastal ecological restoration project on bird diversity and community dynamics
Received date: 2022-05-17
Accepted date: 2022-08-24
Online published: 2023-05-25
鹦鹉洲湿地是以提升生态系统服务为目标的人工恢复盐沼湿地, 通过综合的海岸带生态工程恢复原有的受损滨海生态系统. 为评估海岸带生态修复工程的成效以及不同湿地生境类型对鸟类多样性的影响, 2018年起在鹦鹉洲湿地内采用样线法开展鸟类调查和研究, 分析鸟类多样性、群落动态特征以及不同生境对鸟类多样性的影响. 结果表明: 湿地内共记录鸟类14目32科67种, 以雀形目鸟类种数最多, 有18科42种. 居留型主要以留鸟最多, 共35种, 冬候鸟24种, 夏候鸟10种, 旅鸟8种. 有国家一级和二级重点保护鸟类7种. 中华攀雀(Remiz consobrinus)、黑水鸡(Gallinula chloropus)、八哥(Acridotheres cristatellus)、小?? (Tachybaptus ruficollis)、灰椋鸟(Spodiopsar cineraceus)、家燕(Hirundo rustica)及麻雀(Passer montanus)等为优势种. 湿地鸟类物种数逐年增加, 鸟类活动存在明显的季节性差异, 不同季节鸟类物种数由多到少依次为秋季、冬季、春季和夏季, 鸟类个体数量由多到少依次为秋季、冬季、夏季和春季, 鸟类香农-维纳指数趋势为秋季>春季>冬季>夏季. 不同生境区域鸟类群落组成空间差异较为明显, 自然湿地复合区的鸟类物种和个体数量最高, 不同生境香农-维纳指数由大到小依次为自然湿地复合区、盐沼湿地恢复区、清水涵养区、草坪活动区和湿地净化展示区. 实施海岸带生态修复工程后, 湿地鸟类多样性日益丰富, 其中斑块类型丰富、镶嵌度高的湿地生境对鸟类多样性产生了更加积极的影响. 研究结果可为海岸带生态修复工程和海岸带湿地可持续发展提供科学依据.
贺坤 , 张紫菀 , 宋桉楠 , 沈启帆 , 汪嘉怡 , 陈雪初 . 海岸带生态修复工程对鸟类多样性及群落动态变化的影响分析[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2023 , 2023(3) : 158 -166 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2023.03.015
Yingwuzhou Wetland is an artificially restored coastal salt marsh wetland aimed at improving ecosystem services. Development of the wetland has restored the original damaged coastal ecosystem through comprehensive coastline ecological engineering measures. The birds in the study site have been investigated and researched using the route survey method since 2018, and changes in the bird population and species diversity have been analyzed to evaluate the effectiveness of coastal zone ecological restoration projects and the impact of different wetland habitat types on bird diversity. The results showed that 67 bird species were recorded in the wetland, belonging to 13 orders and 32 families, with the largest number of birds belonging to Passeriformes, including 42 species belonging to 18 families. There were 35 species of resident birds, 24 species of winter migratory birds, 10 species of summer migratory birds, and 8 species of migratory birds. Among these, one species of national class I and seven species of class II are in the List of Key Protected Wild Animals in China, respectively. Remiz consobrinus, Gallinula chloropus, Acridotheres cristatellus, Tachybaptus ruficollis, Spodiopsar cineraceus, Hirundo rustica, and Passer montanus were the dominant species. The number of wetland bird species increased annually. There were significant differences in the bird species, quantity, and Shannon–Wiener indexes among different seasons. The declining trends of bird species, quantity, and Shannon–Wiener index were in the orders of fall > winter > spring > summer, fall > winter > summer > spring, and fall > spring > winter > summer, respectively. The bird numbers and species were the highest in the natural wetland complex area. Declining trends of the Shannon–Wiener index in different habitat areas were observed for the natural wetland complex area, salt marsh wetland restoration area, clear water conservation area, lawn activity area, and wetland purification exhibition area. The ecological restoration of the coastline has enriched the bird diversity of the wetland. Habitats with rich patch types and high patch mosaic have a markedly positive impact on bird diversity. The results of this study can provide a scientific basis for the coastal ecological restoration and sustainable development of coastline wetlands.
Key words: bird diversity; Yingwuzhou Wetland; habitat; season; ecological restoration; coastline
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