收稿日期: 2022-01-05
录用日期: 2022-03-21
网络出版日期: 2023-05-25
国家自然科学基金 (U2040202); 上海市科委项目 (19DZ1203801)
Effects of floating-bed planting on the retention of heavy metals by emergent hydrophytes
Received date: 2022-01-05
Accepted date: 2022-03-21
Online published: 2023-05-25
以上海市金泽水库为研究区域, 在水库边滩与水库浮床区域设置系列站点, 以旱伞草 (Cyperus alternifolius)、美人蕉 (Canna indica)、鸢尾 (Iris tectorum) 为代表性物种, 分析了浮床种植对挺水植物中重金属Cu、Zn、Fe、Cr、Cd、Pb赋存特征的影响. 结果表明: 浮床种植的美人蕉、鸢尾生物量均显著大于边滩种植 (p < 0.05), 浮床种植的旱伞草生物量显著小于边滩种植 ( p < 0.05); 浮床种植的美人蕉中Cu、Fe、Pb含量显著大于边滩种植 ( p < 0.05), 浮床种植的旱伞草和鸢尾中Cu、Zn、Cd含量显著大于边滩种植 ( p < 0.05); 美人蕉中Cu、Fe、Cd、Pb赋存量和鸢尾中Cu、Zn、Fe、Cd、Pb赋存量, 以及旱伞草中Cd赋存量在浮床种植条件下均显著大于边滩种植 ( p < 0.05); 同种植物不同重金属赋存量的相关关系在不同种植条件下明显不同, 且不同种植物间亦存在明显差异; 浮床种植能在一定程度上提高挺水植物的生长状况和对重金属的吸收能力, 对挺水植物中重金属赋存量特征具有重要影响. 基于本文结果, 建议优先选用美人蕉和鸢尾作为浮床植物.
黄思程 , 童春富 , 朱宜平 . 浮床种植对挺水植物中重金属赋存特征的影响[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2023 , 2023(3) : 33 -42 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2023.03.004
In this study, the effects of floating-bed planting on the retention characteristics of heavy metals by emergent hydrophytes in Jinze of Shanghai was studied. A series of sampling sites were set up in the reservoir at the bankside and the floating bed area, respectively.Cyperus alternifolius, Canna indica, andIris tectorum were selected as the representative emergent hydrophyte species to analyze the effects of floating-bed planting on the retention of Cu, Zn, Fe, Cr, Cd, and Pb in plants. The results showed that the biomass of C. indica and I. tectorum that were planted on the floating bed was significantly higher than those planted on the bankside (p < 0.05), while the biomass of C. alternifolius planted on the floating bed was significantly lower than those that were planted on the bankside (p < 0.05). The Cu, Fe, and Pb contents of C. indica planted on the floating bed, moreover, were significantly higher than those that were planted on the bankside (p < 0.05). The Cu, Zn, and Cd contents of C. alternifolius and I. tectorum planted on the floating bed were significantly higher than those that were planted on the bankside (p < 0.05). The retention of Cu, Fe, Cd, and Pb by C. indica; Cu, Zn, Fe, Cd, and Pb by I. tectorum; and Cd by C. alternifolius planted on the floating bed was significantly higher than those that were planted on the bankside (p < 0.05). In summary, correlations between the retention of different heavy metals for the same hydrophyte varied under different planting conditions; these differences were also observed among different species. Above all, it was shown that floating-bed planting can improve the growth and heavy metal absorption capacity of emergent hydrophytes to a certain extent, which has an important effect on the corresponding retention characteristic of heavy metals. Based on the results of our research, it is recommended that C. indica and I. tectorum would be preferred as floating bed plants. For the purpose of long-term monitoring, further systematic and comprehensive studies should be carried out in the future.
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