

  • 邹宏硕 ,
  • 傅敏 ,
  • 肖梦蝶 ,
  • 盛世雯 ,
  • 徐平 ,
  • 陈雪初
  • 华东师范大学 生态与环境科学学院, 上海 200241

收稿日期: 2023-03-20

  录用日期: 2023-06-24

  网络出版日期: 2024-01-23


上海市科委社会发展科技攻关项目 (22dz1202600); 上海市生态环境局科研项目(沪环科[2023]第36号)

Study on ecological purification system of tidal-flow paddy wetland based on multifunctional coupling

  • Hongshuo ZOU ,
  • Min FU ,
  • Mengdie XIAO ,
  • Shiwen SHENG ,
  • Ping XU ,
  • Xuechu CHEN
  • School of Ecological and Environmental Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China

Received date: 2023-03-20

  Accepted date: 2023-06-24

  Online published: 2024-01-23


构建了基于多功能耦合的潮汐流稻田湿地生态净化系统, 处理罗氏沼虾陆基养殖尾水, 研究水质净化效果、CH4排放情况、稻田节肢动物多样性和水稻生长状况, 并探讨潮汐流稻田湿地系统的综合效益. 结果表明: 潮汐流稻田湿地能够有效地净化陆基水产养殖尾水, 对溶解性无机氮和总氮的平均去除率分别为54.3%和44.9%, 对溶解性无机磷和总磷的平均去除率分别为42.9%和43.0%; 潮汐流稻田湿地的CO2和CH4排放通量与常规稻田相比分别减少了5.4%和92.5%; 与处于淹水期的常规稻田相比, 潮汐流稻田湿地的产甲烷功能基因mcrA基因丰度减少了82.3%; 潮汐流稻田湿地提高了节肢动物多样性及其天敌的种类数以及天敌多度/害虫多度, 抑制了害虫爆发, 具有较好的综合效益.


邹宏硕 , 傅敏 , 肖梦蝶 , 盛世雯 , 徐平 , 陈雪初 . 基于多功能耦合的潮汐流稻田湿地生态净化系统研究[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2024 , 2024(1) : 58 -67 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2024.01.007


In this study, a pilot-scale tidal-flow paddy wetland system based on multifunctional coupling was constructed to treat land-based aquaculture tailwater of Macrobrachium rosenbergii. This study explored the purification ability, CH4 emissions, arthropod diversity, and comprehensive benefits of the tidal-flow paddy wetland system to provide a scientific basis for the application of this system. The results showed that the tidal-flow paddy wetland system could effectively purify land-based aquaculture tailwater. The removal capacities of dissolved inorganic nitrogen, total nitrogen, dissolved inorganic phosphorus, and total phosphorus were approximately 54.3%, 44.9%, 42.9%, and 43.0%, respectively. Simultaneously, the system had no negative impact on the external environment and indirectly purifies river water. Compared with conventional paddy fields, the tidal-flow paddy wetland system reduced CO2 and CH4 emissions by 5.4% and 92.5%, respectively. Compared to conventional paddy fields during the flooding period, the abundance of the mcrA gene in the tidal-flow paddy wetland decreased by 82.3%. Moreover, the tidal-flow paddy wetland system improved biodiversity and natural enemy abundance/pest abundance, inhibited pest outbreaks, supported more species, and increased comprehensive benefits compared to the control.


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