

  • 丁睿 ,
  • 陈雪初 ,
  • 由文辉 ,
  • 屠佳雨
  • 1. 华东师范大学 生态与环境科学学院, 上海 200241
    2. 上海市金山区海洋海塘管理所, 上海 200540

收稿日期: 2023-01-20

  录用日期: 2023-03-24

  网络出版日期: 2024-01-23


上海市科委社会发展科技攻关项目 (22dz1202600)

Evaluation of the effectiveness of coastal ecological restoration based on emergy analysis: A case study from the Yingwuzhou Wetland

  • Rui DING ,
  • Xuechu CHEN ,
  • Wenhui YOU ,
  • Jiayu TU
  • 1. School of Ecological and Environmental Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China
    2. Shanghai Jinshan District Marine Seawall Management Office, Shanghai 200540, China

Received date: 2023-01-20

  Accepted date: 2023-03-24

  Online published: 2024-01-23


鹦鹉洲湿地自建成以来已开展了连续5年以上的实地调查和监测, 结合长期监测数据构建科学系统的修复成效评价体系对海岸带生态修复工程的评估具有重要的参考价值. 采用能值分析方法, 通过实地调研、科学监测和查阅文献, 搜集所需相关数据, 构建了湿地生态系统能量分析结构图和能值指标体系, 对自然资产、生态服务等主要能值指标进行了分析, 并比较了不同修复时期湿地的功能表现. 研究结果表明: 2021年, 鹦鹉洲湿地自然资产总能值为8.92×1016 sej, 相当于能值–货币价值22.47万元, 湿地生态服务总能值为8.88×1017 sej·a–1; 实施生态修复后, 鹦鹉洲生态质量明显改善, 其自然资产和生态服务能值分别是修复前的5.01倍和5.73倍; 鹦鹉洲湿地生态系统的能值自给率(emergy self-support ratio, ESR)为0.47, 能值产出率(emergy yield ratio, EYR)和能值可持续指数(emergy sustainable index, ESI)分别为28.29和25.03, 表明湿地产出效率高且可持续发展空间较大. 研究显示: 基于长期监测数据, 采用能值分析方法可较好地反映海岸带生态修复工程成效, 所构建的评估体系及方法可为类似海岸带修复工程提供参考.


丁睿 , 陈雪初 , 由文辉 , 屠佳雨 . 基于能值的海岸带生态修复成效评估——以鹦鹉洲湿地为例[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2024 , 2024(1) : 68 -78 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2024.01.008


Since the Yingwuzhou Wetland was established over five years ago, we have conducted comprehensive field investigation and monitoring. Constructing a reliable evaluation system with long-term monitoring data is important for the evaluation of coastal ecological restoration projects. Here, we used the emergy analysis method and collected the relevant data through field research, scientific monitoring, and literature review to construct an energy analysis structure chart and emergy value index system for the Yingwuzhou Wetland. The main emergy indexes, such as the natural assets and ecosystem services of the wetland, were analyzed, and its functional performance was compared for different restoration periods. The results show that the total emergy of the natural assets in the Yingwuzhou Wetland in 2021 was 8.92 × 1016 sej, which is equivalent to the emergy-monetary value of 2.247 × 105 yuan; the total emergy of ecosystem services was 8.88 × 1017 sej·a–1. After the implementation of restoration, the ecological quality of Yingwuzhou was significantly improved, and its natural assets and ecosystem service emergy were 5.01 and 5.73 times higher than those before restoration. The emergy self-support ratio (ESR) of the Yingwuzhou Wetland ecosystem was 0.47, and the emergy yield ratio (EYR) and emergy sustainable index (ESI) were 28.29 and 25.03, respectively, indicating that the wetland had high output efficiency and suitable space for sustainable development. This study shows that based on long-term monitoring data, the emergy analysis method can better reflect the effectiveness of coastal ecological restoration projects, and the evaluation system and method can provide reference for similar coastal restoration projects in the future.


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