

  • 王玉新 ,
  • 余知睿 ,
  • 李涛 ,
  • 梁世雷 ,
  • 高欢
  • 1. 上海体育科学研究所 (上海市反兴奋剂中心), 上海 200030
    2. 上海体育大学 体育教育学院, 上海 200438
    3. 嘉兴大学 平湖师范学院, 浙江 嘉兴 314200
王玉新, 女, 助理研究员, 研究方向为运动生理生化. E-mail: wangyuxinjy@163.com

收稿日期: 2023-03-04

  录用日期: 2023-09-21

  网络出版日期: 2024-07-23


上海市科委社会发展科技攻关项目 (22dz1204601)

Effects of 8-week altitude training on the erythropoiesis, iron metabolism, and aerobic capacity in trained rowers

  • Yuxin WANG ,
  • Zhirui YU ,
  • Tao LI ,
  • Shilei LIANG ,
  • Huan GAO
  • 1. Shanghai Research Institute of Sports Science (Shanghai Anti-doping Agency), Shanghai 200030, China
    2. School of Physical Education, Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai 200438, China
    3. Pinghu Normal College, Jiaxing University, Jiaxing, Zhejiang 314200

Received date: 2023-03-04

  Accepted date: 2023-09-21

  Online published: 2024-07-23


以28名男子赛艇运动员作为研究对象, 分为高原组和平原组, 旨在探讨持续8周的高原训练对男子赛艇运动员红细胞生成、铁代谢和有氧运动能力的影响. 8周训练期间两组运动员均执行相同的训练计划, 训练负荷基本保持一致. 分别测量8周训练前后的最大摄氧量(VO2peak)和循环血红细胞计数(RBC)、网织红细胞(RET)%、血红蛋白(Hgb)浓度等红细胞参数, 以及红铁酮(ERFE)、铁蛋白(FER)、可溶性转铁蛋白受体(sTfR)水平. 研究结果发现: ① 与训练前相比, 8周训练后高原组的VO2peak、RVO2peak (相对体重最大摄氧量)显著升高, 平原组均无显著变化, 两组间VO2peak、RVO2peak的变化均存在显著差异 (+9.41% vs +3.03%, p<0.05; +12.83% vs +0.80%, p<0.01). ② 8周训练后, 高原组的RBC、Hgb、HCT (红细胞压积)均显著升高, 平原组略微下降. 两组间Hgb、HCT的变化存在显著差异 (+4.95% vs –3.21%, p<0.01; +6.48% vs –1.57%, p<0.01), RBC存在显著差异的趋势 (+3.19% vs –3.61%, p=0.061); 高原组和平原组的RET%、RET-He (网织红细胞血红蛋白含量)均未发生显著改变; 但高原组的LFR (低荧光强度网织红细胞)、RPI (网织红细胞生成指数)显著升高, MFR (中荧光强度网织红细胞)、IRF (幼稚网织红细胞比率)均显著下降; 两组间RPI的变化存在显著差异 (+30.60% vs –4.52%, p<0.05). ③ 8周训练后, 高原组的FER显著下降, sTfR、sTfR/lg(FER)显著升高, ERFE无显著变化; 平原组的ERFE显著升高, FER、sTfR、sTfR/lg(FER)均未发生显著改变; 两组间FER、ERFE、sTfR、sTfR/lg(FER)的变化存在显著差异 (+17.99% vs +121.31%, p<0.05; –36.16% vs –2.96%, p<0.05; +82.77% vs –8.87%, p<0.05; +108.40% vs –6.96%, p<0.05). ④ 8周训练后, VO2peak的变化幅度仅与循环血sTfR、sTfR/lg(FER) 的变化幅度呈显著正相关. 由此得出结论: 持续8周的高原训练有助于提高赛艇运动员有氧运动能力和循环血的氧转运能力. 8周高原训练后期, 红细胞生物合成依然较为活跃. sTfR在有氧能力的改善中可能发挥着重要作用.


王玉新 , 余知睿 , 李涛 , 梁世雷 , 高欢 . 8周高原训练对赛艇运动员红细胞生成、铁代谢和有氧运动能力的影响[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2024 , 2024(4) : 111 -122 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2024.04.011


This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of an 8-week altitude training on erythropoiesis, iron metabolism, and aerobic capacity in trained rowers. Twenty-eight trained rowers were divided into the altitude training (AT) and sea-level training (ST) groups. During the 8-week training camp, the training plan and load were similar in both groups. VO2peak, red blood cell count (RBC), reticulocyte% (RET%), hemoglobin (Hgb), and concentrations of serum erythroferrone (ERFE), ferritin (FER), and soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR) were measured before and after the 8-week training camp. It found that (1) compared with the pre-value, VO2peak and VO2peak to body mass (RVO2peak) increased significantly after the 8-week training in the AT group. No obvious differences in VO2peak and RVO2peak were observed in the ST group. The changes in VO2peak and RVO2peak between the two groups were significant (+9.41% vs +3.03%, p<0.05; +12.83% vs +0.80%, p<0.01). (2) After the 8-week training, the RBC, Hgb, and hematocrit (HCT) increased in the AT group but no statistical difference in the ST group. Changes in Hgb and HCT between the two groups were significant (+4.95% vs –3.21%, p<0.01; +6.48% vs –1.57%, p<0.01). A significant trend in RBC count change was observed between the two groups (+3.19% vs –3.61%, p=0.061). Compared with the pre-test values, no significant changes in RET% and reticulocyte hemoglobin equivalent (RET-He) were found in either groups after the 8-week training. The AT group showed significantly increased of low fluorescent reticulocyte (LFR) and reticulocyte production index (RPI) and significantly decreased medium fluorescent reticulocyte (MFR) and high fluorescent reticulocyte (HFR). There were no significant differences in RET%, RET-He, LFR, MFR, HFR, and IRF (immature reticulocyte fraction) in both groups. However, changes in RPI between both groups after the training camp was significant (+30.60% vs –4.52%, p<0.05). (3) In the AT group, no remarkable changes in serum ERFE, a significant decrease in serum FER, and an increase in serum sTfR and sTfR/lg(FER) levels were observed after of the 8-week training. In the ST group, there were no statistical changes in serum FER, sTfR, and sTfR/lg(FER) and significantly increased serum ERFE. Changes in serum FER, ERFE, sTfR, and sTfR/lg(FER) levels differed significantly between both groups (+17.99% vs +121.31%, p<0.05; –36.16% vs –2.96%, p<0.05; +82.77% vs –8.87%, p<0.05; +108.40% vs –6.96%, p<0.05). (4) There was a significantly positive association between the change in VO2peak and serum sTfR levels and ratio of sTfR to lg(FER) after the 8-week training. Therefore , eight weeks of AT appears to be more effective than ST in improving the oxygen delivery capacity of the blood and aerobic capacity in trained rowers. In the later stage of the 8-week AT, erythropoiesis remained active. Serum sTfR levels may be important in improving aerobic performance.


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