

  • 郑慧敏 ,
  • 白西林 ,
  • 龚起昂 ,
  • 杨涛
  • 华东师范大学 精密光谱科学与技术国家重点实验室, 上海 200241

收稿日期: 2023-04-13

  录用日期: 2023-05-19

  网络出版日期: 2024-07-23


上海市自然科学基金 (22ZR1421400)

Gas phase formation mechanism of the interstellar molecule 1-cyano-1,3-butadiene

  • Huimin ZHENG ,
  • Xilin BAI ,
  • Qi’ang GONG ,
  • Tao YANG
  • State Key Laboratory of Precision Spectroscopy, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China

Received date: 2023-04-13

  Accepted date: 2023-05-19

  Online published: 2024-07-23


为深入了解星际有机腈分子的动力学生成机制, 结合同步辐射真空紫外光电离实验和量子化学计算, 研究了高温星际环境中氰甲基自由基 (·CH2CN) 与丙炔 (C3H4) 的反应机制. 通过分析光电离质谱与光电离效率图, 发现反应可能主要产生1-氰基-1,3-丁二烯开链异构体. 继而, 在B3LYP/cc-pVTZ水平上计算了反应势能面, 发现氰甲基自由基可无势垒地加成到丙炔上, 主要产生gauche-E-1-氰基-1,3-丁二烯和E-1-氰基-1,3-丁二烯这两种产物, 而热力学上更稳定的产物吡啶的生成概率较小.


郑慧敏 , 白西林 , 龚起昂 , 杨涛 . 星际分子1-氰基-1,3-丁二烯的气相合成机制研究[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2024 , 2024(4) : 57 -64 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2024.04.006


In this study, a combination of synchrotron vacuum ultraviolet photoionization experiments and quantum chemical calculations was employed to investigate the reaction mechanism between cyanomethyl radicals (·CH2CN) and propyne (C3H4) in high-temperature interstellar environments. The aim was to gain further insights into the formation mechanism of interstellar organic nitriles. By analyzing the photoionization mass spectra and photoionization efficiency curves, it was determined that the reaction may predominantly yield the open-chain isomers of 1-cyano-1,3-butadiene. Additionally, the reaction potential energy surface was explored at the B3LYP/cc-pVTZ level, revealing a barrierless addition of the cyanomethyl radical to acetylene. This addition mainly leads to the formation of gauche-E-1-cyano-1,3-butadiene and/or E-1-cyano-1,3-butadiene. Conversely, the more thermodynamically stable product, pyridine, exhibits a lower likelihood of formation.


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