To meet the soaring demand of share bike using and improve the service efficiency of bicycle-sharing, this paper proposes a two-stage shared bicycle real-time delivery and scheduling framework based on road condition information. At the offline modeling phase, clustering is implemented on the historical short-distance taxi trajectory data using RET(Regional Extraction Technique) algorithm, to obtain the popular regions of pick-up (or drop-off), and the frequencies of the pick-up (or drop-off) at different time periods. At the online scheduling phase, a dynamic scheduling optimization model (called ROM (Real-time Optimization Model)) for bicycle-sharing is designed to obtain the popular pick-up regions in the next time period. Specifically, searching for the k-nearest neighbor bicycle drop-off regions within the current time period, and combining them with the real-time road conditions to recommend the top-k roads with convenient vehicular access for the bike dispatching car. Experiments on the taxi trajectory dataset show that the proposed method is more effective than the traditional bicycle scheduling strategies.
XIE Qing-cheng
MAO Jia-li
LIU Ting
. Dynamic scheduling strategy for bicycle-sharing in cities[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2019
, 2019(6)
: 88
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2019.06.009
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