Life Sciences

Spatial and temporal distribution of Tettigonioidea and Grylloidea at different altitudes of Tianmu Mountain

  • Zhuqing HE ,
  • Xinyi LIAO ,
  • Nuo DING
  • School of Life Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China

Received date: 2021-03-17

  Online published: 2022-11-22


In this research, we carried out a survey based on one fixed transect for Tettigonioidea and Grylloidea insects distributed in Tianmu Mountain from April to October of 2019. The results showed that there were 28 species of Tettigonioidea and 19 species of Grylloidea in Tianmu Mountain. Among them, six species of Tettigonioidea and eight species of Grylloidea were recorded in Tianmu Mountain for the first time. The insects became adults in August, September, and October. The insects distributed at lower altitudes tended to become adults earlier than those at higher altitudes. The number of species declined initially with increasing altitude, and subsequently increased. The Tettigonioidea species are distributed at various altitudes while Grylloidea species are primarily distributed at low altitudes. Because Truljalia tylacantha, Ruidocollaris truncatolobata, Goniogryllus punctatus and some other species are only distributed in a narrow scope at high altitudes, they can be used as indicator species for climate change in Tianmu Mountain.

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Zhuqing HE , Xinyi LIAO , Nuo DING . Spatial and temporal distribution of Tettigonioidea and Grylloidea at different altitudes of Tianmu Mountain[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2022 , 2022(6) : 123 -129 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2022.06.012


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