Min Xie (谢旻) has been a Chair Professor at City University of Hong Kong since 2011. Prior to that, he was with National Univ of Singapore for 20 years, where he joined as one of the first recipient of LKY research fellow. He received his undergraduate and postgraduate education in Sweden. He has carried out extensive research in quality, reliability, and industrial statistics, and published over 300 journal papers and 10 books. He has advised 60 PhD students, now working in industry or academia in different continents. Prof Xie was elected IEEE fellow in 2005, an elected member of ISI in 2010, and in 2022 to European Academy of Sciences and Arts.
Title: Some statistical reliability problems of intelligent systems
Abstract: Reliability is defined as the probability of failure-free operation for a specified period of time. With an increasing adaptation of artificial intelligence approaches, how to carry out the system level analysis to ensure the reliability of intelligent system and to minimize failure occurrences is a challenging issue. Intelligent systems rely heavily on the availability of large amount of data that may have other issues such as measurement accuracy and uncertainty. In this talk, we will discuss these issues and some possible approaches to address them will also be discussed for future research.